Chapter XVII - In The Middle Of Every Difficulty Lies Opportunity

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Standing atop a massive cruise ship, I felt a nice cool breeze sweeping through my hair. Looking out into the seemingly endless ocean, I stood there in perfect silence, observing the clear blue sky in peace. Here, somewhere located in the Pacific, there was no summer heat to be felt, but instead, there is the gentle wind that calmly embraced our bodies. This is truly a paradise.

"Hey," a voice suddenly called out to me.

I knew who this person was, in fact, they were no stranger to me as I could safely say they're the one person who I felt is the closest to me. Even though we didn't know each other all that well, I still believe they are someone I can feel deeply connected to.

"Oh, hey, Ayanokouji-kun," I responded.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun. Someone who has captivated my attention for quite some time now. In the past, he didn't seem to be anyone particularly special but overtime, I started to see him in a new light.

"Amazing view, isn't it?"

"Yeah," I said, turning my gaze to the ocean.

It was sudden, but, when the school announced that we would be going on vacation on a special cruise, everyone was overjoyed and already began discussing the many things they would do there. But that aside, this cruise ship was a rather huge and luxurious one, I don't see why the government would do something like this. It could've been rented out, but, it was already decked out with special accommodations for students and teachers, it would be even more costly to revert it all back every time it was rented so it must've been bought.

"To think the school provided something like this," I said.

"It's a nice change of pace though, don't you think?"

"Maybe, but I can't help but feel reluctant about this."

Everything on this ship was free of charge. For example, the restaurants, places for leisure, all of it, it was all free. Well, I can't say everything was free, there was a miniature version of Keyaki Mall in the atrium for students to purchase things with private points, but still, there has been lots and lots of money put into this vacation for us students. There has to be something wrong with this.

"Whatever you're thinking is probably not wrong, but, you probably should learn to unwind a little," Ayanokouji-kun, who was leaning against the railing, put his hand on my shoulder and left.

Unwind a little? I guess I have been stressed out for a while. I shouldn't think too much into this and just enjoy myself, after all we're on a vacation and I shouldn't let myself be strained by this. But either way, Ayanokouji-kun is probably having the same thoughts as I am, I just can't let something like this go.

When I left that side of the deck, I headed out for the pool. Chabashira-sensei said we had three days for rest and relaxation so this was something I wanted to check out before that was over.

As I got there, however, it looked somewhat full already with students in the pool playing and resting on the seats underneath umbrellas. Though there was empty seats, they had to be payed for using private points and since I didn't really feel like waiting, I decided to rent out one of the cabanas as well as a swimsuit. Going into the locker rooms, I changed into the aforementioned swimsuit and sat down. It was nice and peaceful, I drowned out the laughter and other noises around me and laid my back against the soft mattress.

After another three or so minutes of relaxation, I got up and looked around. To my surprise, I spotted Ayanokouji-kun once more relaxing on a bench while dressed in his own swimwear and donning a rash guard. What he was doing here is, in a way, confusing to me as I didn't think he is someone who would participate openly in the pool unless being forced to. Maybe, he just wanted to try it out like I did.

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