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"Why do I find solace in my loneliness But find sorrow with those with whom I share the same blood
Why do I hide behind these fake smiles of happiness
When this sorrow and unrest washes over my soul like a flood
Its pathetic how I'm laughing on the outside Laughing at how everyting is all right
While I'm crying and dying on the inside
Not wanting anyone to see my sad sad plight"



Last night went like a drunken stupor for me. I remember getting in the car after dinner, but everything else passed around me like I was in a state of trance. I recall Gerald opening my side of the door when we reached my place. I remember him knocking at my door and Helen opening it for me. But I don't remember much after that. Like I was still in a daze while I said my gudnites to god knows who and went inside my room only to go straight to bed and passout. My brain was so drained with the overwhelming events of yesterday that I just wanted to sleep it over and forget everything that happened like a dream. One can only hope.

Next day when I woke up, it was like any normal day. I felt better. I realized I was still in the dress I wore yesterday and recalled jumping straight into bed as soon as I was back home. Groaning, I dragged myself to the bathroom and went on with my daily routine. While in the middle of the bath I heard the doorbell ring. It must be Gerald and Fiona. Helen is home to open it anyways. Not thinking much about it I finished my bath. Halen is like a grandmother I never had. She was a family friend and treated my mother as her own. After the unfortunate event of my family's demise, I remember clinging to Helen 24/7. And she did an extraordinary job taking care of me in thier absence. I live with her since then.

Gerald and Fiona were not far away, giving me every support I needed ever since. They even mooved beside Helen's house to keep us company. I heard a knock on my bedroom door and quickly wore my robe to open it, only to find Helen with a frawning face. "Morning sweety. Some people are here to see you. I suggest you dress up and come down. They are in the living room." Before I ask who are they, she rushed back down like her ass was on fire. Odd. I wanted to take my sweet time to get ready but my curiosity had its own mind and within minutes I was out of my room and down the stairs to the living / kitchen/ dining room. I found 3 people siting on one couch, facing me. Helen, Gerald and Fiona. And two of our "guests" who turned in time to look back sensing my arrival.

"YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. "GET OUT!...OUT!" I spat with so much of venom in my tone, that it would kill someone on spot with the amout of poison I pore while delivering it. It was Kenneth and someone I have seen only once. The one who was a loyal messenger for delivering the divorce papers and making sure I signed it. So you can imagine my level of temperament when I see their sorry ass faces standing right infront of me as this very moment.

"Tiara? Please calm down. I know you want to be anywhere but here at this moment but I just came to talk. Hear me out and then you can ask me to get the hell out of here and won't find me protesting. Please?" Kenneth said as softly as he can with his deep voice. "What makes you think that you can come here to my place, sit on my sofa and order me to listin to you. Who the fuck you think you are?" I said, walking around and standing closer to my only family, I think will support me no matter what. Like on queue, Gerald stood up beside me, putting his protective hand around my shoulder and glared at Kenneth.

An inhuman roar made me jump with wide eyes. "GET YOU HAND OFF MY MATE RIGHT NOW OR I'LL BURN YOU TO ASHES, CREEPER!!" warned Kenneth with a manacing voice. Like it was Kenneth, but some demon at the same time. Gerald reluctantly took his hand off me, but still look shell shocked. I don't know if he got frightened by Kenneth's inhuman voice or he was surprised like all of us, that Kenneth called me his mate. All of us were speechless untill the man who accompanied his 'master' spoke. "Falkor? Calm down. You're scaring your mate." Falkor? Who's Falkor?? Like a magic spell was taken off, Kenneth came to his senses, blinking his eyes.

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