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Hello my lovely readers. Thank you for being a form of inspiration by constantly reading my book and sharing your comments, encouraging me to come so far. I Appreciate the time and attention, as well as your prompt comment.
          I proudly announce for 'THE ANCALAGON GOLD' to cross 1k read before I even finish the book, which is a great accomplishment for me as a writer. This short letter is a thankyou to each one of you, who had made a difference and made it possible for me to come so far, so soon. The biggest challenge as a writer is to make a story likable for the readers and be ready for any criticism.
         A book is only the beginning for a writer. A reader completes it, and you are an example of this. Thank you for taking the time to read my book and giving me honest feedback. 💌




"How could I have missed the birth of my Nephew and God son, Fiona? As soon as I heard, you're in labor, I dragged one of my mate, jumped into the car and here I am." I said, hugging Fiona carefully of the little bundle of joy in my arms. "Thankyou Tiara. I thought you're not going to make it." Sniffed Fiona. I chuckled. "Nothing in the world could have stopped me from being the first, to hold my god son." I smirked at a smiling Fiona and Gerald. "Can I hold him now? I'm his father after all." Joked Gerald, making me and Fiona laugh.

"Nope. I'm the mother, so I'll hold him first." Said Fiona, taking the baby from my hand carefully. "And I put that baby into you, which means, I have more right to hold him first." They both argued back and forth. "You know what, why don't you both hold him together and I'll take a pic?" That made them sober up and did exactly the same. "Perfect" I said, making them both smile down at their son. "Did you tell them yet?" Wishpered Kenneth, when my friends were engrossed attending to their new born.

"Not yet. But I'll. " then I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Umm guys..I have to tell you something." I said, nervously. "Oh my god! Are you pregnant too?" Asked Fiona, spoiling the surprise. I looked at Kenneth as he closed his mouth with his hand, to stop himself from laughing. "How did you know?" I asked frustrated. She smirked. "Girl? You're my besty. I have read your behavioural patter since we're kids. Now tell me how far are you and if you know the gender yet?!" She asked excitedly. "Two months and they are boys." Her and Gerald's expression were so comical, I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"Twins?! Oh god, I always wanted twins. Come here, come here. Give aunt Fiona a hug." She said, pulling me to her and we four end up in a group hug. "I'm so happy for you Tiara. Now our kids would grow together. I'm so excited!" She said, making all of us chuckle. "Congratulations guys. This is the best day of my life. Being a father and the news of going to become an uncle, I'm just so overwhelmed." He said, giving a friendly hug and shakehand to Kenneth. "Thanks. We feel the same." He said, pulling me to his body and kissing my forehead.

"Actually. You don't have to wait to hold your Nephews for long. I have adopted my mates 5 children and we're going to raise them together." The room went uncomfortably silent all of a sudden. "What do you mean, your mates Children?" asked Fiona and Gerald together, looking very unhappy. I sighed and narrated the entire story of how Dr. Brian wanted to take revenge on my father in law, as he was in love with Saphira and she choosed to be with him instead of Brian, and then he tried to trap my mates into his game by using their kids to bring pain to the Royal family.

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