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"I cant stop loving you
heaven knows I try
guess I'll just be blue
till the day I die
You are the only one for me
for others my eyes are blind
you are the only one they see
a better love I could never find"



"No. It's my turn remember? You guys went to see her last time." Complained Kaiden, when I started to go, spend time with our mate. "Says who?" I asked. He folded his hands and looked at me narrowing his eyes. "It was discussed yesterday that after Blaze and Kenneth, It's my turn to watch over her. You were there when we talked. Don't deny it now." He said, trying to convince me. I almost laughed at his whining. "Kenneth said, and I quote, 'Tomorrow I would be busy. Stay with Tiara.' And I nodded." He nodded, showing how he did it. "That means it's my turn today." This stubborn ass.

"Fine. But you're not going alone. I'm coming." I said, walking out. "What the..?" He followed behind me, huffing. "Why can't I spend some alone time with my mate again?" He asked, following me. I stopped absurdly and turned to him. " Because we don't trust you with her." I turned and resumed walking. "Excuse me? Trust me with what?" I sighed and got into my car. He took the shotgun. "You're excused and the fucking horn dog you're, Gerald complained that you were literally drooling over her last time, making her uncomfortable infront of her customers." I scoffed.

He looked at me blinking. "Did I? Shit. I didn't realize...nobody told me." He gulped and look away. This guy. Now I feel bad for him. "Look. I know how hard this is but we have to take it slow with her. Be careful around her, ok?" I asked patting his shoulder. He didn't say anything. Fuck! Did I hurt his feelings? "Look Kaiden. I'm not good with words. I just speak what I feel. I'm sorry bro if my words hurt you." He turned with a blank face. "On second thought, you should leave without me. I'll join you later. I forgot something." He said jumping out of the car, before I could stop him. Shit! Now I did it.

Drake is good at stuff like this. Talking I mean. It is new for me to deal with stuff like emotions. Dealing with my mate is more than overwhelming, now Kaiden. The thought of my mate, made me smirk. How she squirms around me, and try to make it less noticeable. I make her nervous, I furured that much. I wish I could hold her again and make her believe that she can trust me. But, the moment I'm around, she tries to avoid me. Although I can understand her anxiety, it still hurts to try staying away from her. Hitting my head on the steering wheel, I groaned.

"Are you ok there handsome?" Asked someone, startling me. What's her name again? Ashley, Lashley, whatever. "That's 'my lord' to you, bitch!" I snarled at her. She took a step back, lowering her eyes to the ground. Good. She should fear me. "I..I just." I put my hand up, stopping her. "Save it. Your service are no longer required. And if I see you around me or my brothers again..." I didn't need to complete the warning. She knows the consequences for disobeying. Putting the gear in place I left the fortress toward the city. Towards my mate.

Few days back, I laughed it out when Simon said, I need a mate to feel things but, truth to be told, deep inside I always crave that...feeling. The feeling of calling someone mine. I thought it's almost impossible to find our true mate but Kenneth proved me wrong. Being the eldest among them, I always thought me or maybe Drake would find ours first, if we ever find her that is. As the time passed, I lost all hope to ever find her and became this. This cold and heartless beast that everyone fears. Even my mate is scared of me. That thought hurts like bitch.

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