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"Losing your life is not
the worst thing that can happen.
The worst thing is to lose your
reason for living."


You know, life is about choices. Some we regret, some we're proud of. Some will haunt us forever. But our biggest regrets are not for the things we did, but for the things we didn't do. Things we didn't say, that could have saved someone we care about, especially when we can see the dark storm that's headed their way. One moment is all it takes to ruin everything. It was just a moment ago that they were making fun and cracking jokes, while I was waiting for this night to get over with but never knew, it was going to be one of the longest night ever.

"My Lord!!" Came a panic filled voice. We turned mid eating to the voice of a man, who looked like he had seen a ghost. "What is it, Corner?" Asked Firner, not loosing his cool like the others. "I was guarding Lord Kenneth's chamber as ordered. Even though he refused to see anyone, I could feel him in the room but now..." he was struggling to form a sentence. "Speak up Corner... Now what?" asked Firner with a edge to his voice now. What happened to Kenneth? "...Sir...although I can feel his presence, I...I can't feel his hea..heat..heartbeats, my lord." He said, bowing his head.

Everyone was out of their seats shouting orders. Women were panicking and almost loosing their minds. Brenton must have gained control over his Dragon because, he somehow looked normal and stood up with his family along with me. He pushed me towards Gerald and walked away, leaving us behind. "Stay with him. I'll be back." He said, squeezing my upper arm and followed his family in a panic. I stood there like a statue, not knowing what to do.

"Do you want to follow them?" Gerald asked me. Do I? What did the man meant when he said, he can't hear his heartbeats? Is Kenneth...no no. A sense of loss that I haven't felt since my family left me. I always preyed that I should not go through that pain again. I was mad at myself for not going with them that day. I was mad at them for leaving me alone in the world. I couldn't bare to go through that pain again. I placed my hand where my heart is. Why do I feel pain when I don't want to do anything with him. Why?

"Tiara? This is not the time to think. Come on. I can follow their scent and take you to him. Maybe it's not what we are assuming. He could be there...still?" I don't even want to correct him right now that, that is not what was going in my mind. I just nodded my head for him to drag me there where Kenneth was. Maybe I can save him. Maybe he's still waiting on me. Maybe. There were so many possibilities running through my brain right now. But for some reason, I don't want to believe that he's gone. It can't be, he's a supernatural.

It was not hard to find his room. People were going in and out of the room. I couldn't stop myself from walking a little faster than Gerald to see what's happening. I pushed the half closed door open and saw 3 to four people working on Kenneth. Like trying to...bring him back. My breath hitched when I saw them sweating on his lifeless body. "What is happening? Why is he not responding? I can still feel him. He's not gone. "Kenneth? Brother..can you hear me?" I saw, Kaiden shouting at his brother, trying to bring him back to life.

Brenton pushes him aside and took his place. "Kenneth. Come on man. I'm sorry to ever tease you like that bro. I'm sorry. I'll never pull your legs again. Come back Ken." He said, wiping his eyes. It tugged at my heart. I found all the women gathered in a corner, crying their heart out. No. He can't be dead. Then Suddenly, the moments me and Kenneth spent together, danced infront of me like it was actually happening right now. Meeting him for the first time. You're beautiful, princess. His loving words.

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