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"What is Pain?"
The moment when
you realize that you
were nothing to those, who you valued the most."



Sometimes I get scared of being too happy and excited about something because every time I get really happy, something bad happens and I end up disappointed and hurt. Getting ditched was like a part of my life. Pain was like always my friend. My dad use to say, 'Remember kids, When it starts hurting, life is trying to teach you something. And when you get constantly hurt by someone regardless how much you like them, it's a sign that they are not the right company to keep around.' I don't know why his words keeps repeating in my head again and again? It was like he was warning me of something. And the next thing I know, Kenneth left me.

No matter what his reasons were, I just couldn't bring myself to feel sorry for him. As if there was a switch, and I have shut it down. I don't feel any sympathy for him or his brothers. I feel empty and it scares me. Like I have no place in my heart for the emotion called love. I don't know what the future has stored for me but it doesn't look promising. "And you said, yes? How could you, after they did so much to ruin your life? I just can't fucking believe you at this moment. " huffed Fiona. She's right in a way but, like Gerald said, I might not have any other option.

"Gerald? Say something damnit!" Her temper was rising every passing second. Gerald was standing by the wall, hands folded, as pissed as her. When I came back home last night after the acward 'dinner', I didn't have the guts to tell these two about the arrangements so, I decided next morning will be the right time to break it. I knew this is how they are going to react. "Think again Tiara. You sure, this is what you want?" He asked frawning. I turned to both of them and tried to explain it as calmly as possible. "I don't know, what I want Gerald. I just know one thing that, I can't live my life with the conscience of someone's blood on my hand." I sighed.

"You are a shifter yourself. I'm not. So you tell me what happens when you feel rejected by your mate?" I know it's hard jab but, I can't handle there tantrum right now. Call me selfish but, I need their support at this moment. "I can't imagine...Does that mean, you have decided to sacrifice your life for them? " He said, grinding his teeth. Fiona looked at me at the same time, for some answers. "No. I don't. As a human, I thought I'll just do it for the sake of humanity. I'm not that stone hearted to let someone die because of me." I said.

"Oh come on! Are you hearing yourself right now. Fuck humanity! You are out of your damn mind right now, Tiara. Can't you see? It's a trap. A nice smooth emotional trap for you to feel guilty of your acts and let them near you. So that one day you all are bonded and mated like they all wanted it to begin with. And then...then my friend, you're stuck with them for ever, trapped, the end. You getting me?" She said, breathing heavily.

"Calm down Fiona. You're scaring her." She turned to glare at her mate. "No. I'm telling her the truth. Do you have any better explanation than me? Let's hear it out." She said folding her arms in front of her. Gerald put his hands in his pockets and walked towards me. "Look Tia. If Carson was here, he would never let you go there alone. So, I'll go with you." Fiona stood from her chair, ready to argue but he raised his finger for her to let him finish. She sat back down huffing.

"I want you to know that I'll always stand beside you, no matter what you deside but, Fiona is right. If the only way to cure them of their pain, is to bond with them, then you can't reverse it back. It's a deal you can't break." I gulped not knowing what to do. "What do you suggest then?" I asked clueless. He had a far look in his eyes then he looked down at me. "Two things. Either they choose someone else and mark her, or you choose someone else, other then them and get marked. It will break the bond." Can I do it? Maybe but, will I be able to convince them to do that, well that's a million dollars question.

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