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"There will arrive some moments
in life when you will have
no option but to fight alone.
Always be ready for it."



Three days without her in my arms was so hopeless. One moment she burned me like the Phoenix she was and then, she left me to suffer alone. I was so relieved to see her finally opening her eyes but that excitement didn't last long when her momery came back. Nyx had warned us about it but, nobody prepared me for the accusations she is throwing at me. Suri was not the only woman I bedded. There were others too, when I was going through the pain, thinking I lost Tiara. The more women I spent my time alone, the more I was filled with self loath. Now I understand, why Suri was so supportive to take my pain away.

For sometime she was my personal whore, as Tiara jabbed at me not knowing, how accurate her words were. If I knew she had anything to do with Tiara's family's demise, I would have given her the most painful death myself. "I'm sure, it was Rosa who planned it all, to get back at us but, as Tiara said, they are both guilty." Said Simon. "What did your father say about all this?" He asked. "He is inviting all the Nobles including the wizard head Solman and Nobel Rupet among them. Father wants Us all along with Tiara to be present there. They have no idea, what is going to hit them." Said Drake, smirking.

"This will raise a great havoc guys, resulting war between the wizards and Phoenix against Dragons." Said Blade, looking worried. "If it comes to that, we fight. Atleast we'll know who's a friend and who's a hoe." Said Brenton, fire in his eyes. "He's right. I'll fight for the right of my mate, even if I stand alone." I said, getting nods in support from everyone. "By the way, I never imagined, your mate would turn out to be a Phoenix." Smirked Simon. "Brenton must be very excited, right brother?" Brenton groaned, making us all laugh. "Don't wake my beast guys. It hard as it is to stay away from her."

"Same here brother. Same here." I said, patting him. "I thought, now that she's not as fragile as earlier, we could complete the mating but she fucking Marked us, intensifying the pull and didn't even give us a chance to return the favor. I'm 24/7 walking with a hard on." He hissed, adjusting his pants. "She's going through a lot Brenton. We have to give her some time to deal with the upcoming problems. She doesn't need our horny self around her right now. Let's just be a little more patient and supportive for the sanity of her mind." Said Drake, getting up from his chair. "And where are you going?" I asked. "Not just me, you all are. Come it's time for the court Hearing." It's show time.


"What do you think this meeting is all about?" Asked one of the Nobles. "Last we heard, the Rouges were attacking. I hope it's under control." Answered another. Me and my brothers are sitting right next to our Father's chair. The anticipation is killing them all. I see Wizard Solman is the most calm one among them. Hope he's able to maintain that calmness when one of his kind is found guilty..twice. I could also see Nobel Rupet and his mate sitting together, talking among themselves, unaware of the fire that is going to be unleashed on them. I scoffed. I never like these meeting nor the Nobles. It's what Drake is good at.

My father entered the room, making all of us rise and bow to him. "Please take your seats." He said, before taking his own. After a moment of silence, his voice boomed in the room. "Thank you all for gathering here in such a short notice." His face was grim. "It has bought to my notice recently that, there was a murder planned by a Nobel lady with the help of a witch and they burned an entire human family alive, caging them inside a car, 7 years back." Murmur spread among the court members. "Silence. And I'm just about to bring the accuseds and the only survivor and witness of the crime forward. Those who are related to these criminals be warned, I'll not show mercy as I don't encourage crimes in my kingdom."

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