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"I want to take you like you have never been taken,
to leave you unable to think,
only feel and be lost in the moment
to lose yourself and
to reach heights like never before while gripping me tight"



I stood there. Speechless. Overwhelmed. Confused, out of my mind. Who the fuck is my mate in reality? This...being is someone else, someone celestial. She's something so powerful, it's compelling me to bow down to her. Her aura is so Devine and pure, It makes all of us look inferior. I came back to my senses to the horrific scene of screems and chaos. Wasn't I fighting that repugnant rouge of my cousin? And I lost. I feel so ashamed of myself right now. Not that my mate need any protection, she was the protector herself. The view infront of me is enough to prove me and everyone else here wrong.

I looked up when suddenly it started pouring. "What the fuck!" Muttered someone behind me and I followed his sight. I took a step forward, not believing my own eyes. Even though it was raining cats and dogs, my mate still glow like the Eternal flames. For a fiction of seconds I hesitated, but then I decided to calm her down. She is still filled with rage, which doesn't let her fire to go down. She took a step back, when she found me approching her. "Don't come any closer. I might hurt you." She said, glowing brighter than before. She is different from the woman that just killed a Savage. This woman looked scared and timid. "You won't hurt me, little one. Don't push me away." I said, offering my hand for her to take.

She was about to take my hands reluctantly, but stopped and took another step back, noticing my brothers coming and standing behind me. "No. I can't. Look what I have done. She said, looking down at the now ashes of Leroy, that was getting washed away in the rain. "He threatened you and you eliminated him. We love you Tiara. We're your mates. You won't hurt us. Come." Called Kenneth, taking a small step towards her, like approching an wild animal. "I can't put it down. It won't go off." She said, frustrated. I shighed. "You're just afraid Tiara. Calm down. Trust, that you won't hurt us, and it will go down." Said Brenton, from behind me. She stood there, still looking around.

"They are afraid of me." She said, pointing at our warriors. I smiled at her insecurities. "They are not afraid of you Tiara. They are admiring your fire and strength. They are accepting you as a leader, as a fighter. A queen." I tried to convince her. "Just close your eyes and try it baby. Trust yourself, that your fire will never hurt an innocent." Said Blaze, making her look down at herself. "Try..please. we all love you Tiara. Come back to us." Said Kaiden, putting his final input. The way she was burning up, it is hard to figure out her facial expression but I can tell, she was trying.

Then slowly but gradually, her fire went down and soon stood there, my mate in her beautiful naked glory, all wet, now that she allowed the water to touch her skin. We rushed towards her to catch her, when she was about to loose her balance. She fell into my arms all spent. Sparks rushed down my veins with her touch, making me sigh in relief. "Get us a blanket!" I Shouted, looking down at my mate. She searched our faces, while we hunched down surrounding her. She mummered something that I didn't quite get it. "Come again, little one?" I said, pushing out the drenched hair, away from her face. "Don't hate me" she managed to say before passing out on all of us.

We all exchanged looks and looked down at our mate with pity. The war was over but it's going to take a hell lot of persuading and reasoning to bring her confidence back. And it was a kind of war that we're not prepared to fight nor ready to give up yet. The only way to show her, how important she is, is to make her meet our people and let them show her, what her existence meant for them all. And the only person who is capable enough to do that, is back in the fortress. My father. I covered her in the blanket that an elder just bought and kissed her forehead. "Let's get you home, litttle mate." I said, smiling down at her. Then took her in my arms and stood up. I turned to my people and watched as everyone waited for my next command.

Ancalagon's GoldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora