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Hey guys! Just a little headstart. This chapter might make you cry because, all of us have lost someone dear to our hearts and you can relate to this chapter. I apologize in advance as it is not my intention to take you to a dark place but for Tiara to move forward, she had to say her final goodbyes to her family. If you're not a fan of funeral goodbyes, I suggest you skip the chapter. Rest all, strong hearts, the chapter follows.



"Princess? I'll wait outside. You go say your goodbyes." Said Kenneth, kissing my forehead and walking away. 2 days back I punished Rosa with my own hands, although my heart was not at peace as I thought it would be. I kept thinking, what difference did it make? She died. Suri is dealt with. My mates are with me. I got justice for my family. I should be finally at peace right? But I'm not. I just couldn't be at peace because, till now, I had a purpose which I fulfilled. Now that the realization has finally hit me, that I have to say my final goodbye to my family, I'm not ready to do just that. I'm not ready to let them go.

"But you have to, dear child. Or you'll never moov on. There is a long and beautiful life waiting for you. Your mates, your friends, we all want to see you happy. I'm sure your parents are watching you and you finally letting them know that you're happy and healthy will give them the peace they need. Take your time but, this the irony Tiara, those who are gone, we have to let them go someday." Said Saraphina. I know people around me are trying everything to make me happy and the more they welcome me in their hearts, the more the guild eats me. I'm not ready to give my hundred percent yet. I'm not ready to have another family, when the only family I ever knew was gone.

But like she said, my family will be at peace if they know that I'm happy. So, this is where I'm right now infront of my parents's and brother's grave, ready to give them the peace, they required.

“Hey Mom! I am missing you today but I know that you will always be with me in my heart…I am who I am because of your loving hands. I keep thinking about you, even though it hurts. I’d give anything to relive those memories again. I’m so thankful for all the memories we shared together. I only wish you were here to make more. Everything I am today, is all you. Its you living in me. You're my first teacher, my friend philosopher what not? I love you mom. I love you so much. I know you can see me. Hear me. I just want you know that I'm moving on. I'm happy. I have found my mates. They love me so much, and it's now my turn to return it. It's only fair, right? I'm listining to my heart finally, mom. I hope you're happy for me.

Hey dad! Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. I wish I still had your wisdom to guide me through my everyday. Without you it has been hard, but on this day especially I can’t help but think how much I wish you were here with me. You were the guiding light in my life, and how lucky I was to have you for as long as I did. I love you to the moon and back. I could never ask for a better father than you. You were so special that I can still feel you here, beside me? As much as I hate not having you around, I’m happy to know you’re at peace. You may not be with me any more, but my love for you will never die. You gave me the greatest gift anyone could ever give another person. You believed in me dad. I love you so much and I'll always miss you.

"Hey Carie! I don't have to tell you, how much I miss you. I never got a chance to tell you but, I always looked up at you. You were my hero, my friend and a lot more. You always knew when I was upset and did everything you could to cheer me up. Your pranks and your little devilish laughter that always made me smile. You taught me how to drive, how to fix things and oh, so many other things that I do every day. You taught me how to climb trees, patiently showing me where to place each foot guiding my every step. There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart. Because you still guide me until this day. It takes a special person to place everyone before themselves and lay down their life; that my brother, is you.

I love you all so so much and I want you to know that I'm happy. Not completely without you guys but I promise, I'll live a very long and happy life and every time I make an achievement, you'll be the first to know about it. I love you guys. I'll miss you so much." With that said, I kissed their graves and stood up. I closed my eyes and smiled. All the moments we spent together, I recalled them and smiled. They'll always be safe in my hearts, enough to live a lifetime. I turned around and found Kenneth waiting near the entrance of the graveyard with a beautiful bouquet of red roses in his hands.

He smiled at me and I returned. "I never got a chance to know them personally but, I know you were loved a lot and they would have preyed for your safety and wellbeing. And I promise to keep you safe, always and love you always Tiara. Happy Anniversary." He said, pulling me to his chest. "Anniversary? But we..." he put a finger to on my mouth to stop me. "No we're not. I never signed those papers Tia. It was never really meant for that purpose but, before I could reach out to you to clarify, you were gone." He handed me the bouquet. "So my dear wife, can I take you on a date tonight? " He smirked. "Yes you may...husband." I said, linking my hands in his. I turned back once again and imagined my parents and brother blessing me.

I sighed and took the first step to my new life, with more to take. It's a long way to go but I'm finally ready to move forward...with my mates.

To be continued...

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