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"I am the Goddess of the moon, the Earth, the Seas. My names. and strengths are manifold. I pour forth magic and power, peace and wisdom. I am the eternal Maiden, Mother of all, and Crone of darkness, and I send you blessings of limitless love"



Being a Queen was not easy. As Firner says, a ruler represents her subjects, as a result, our actions may effect them directly too. A king is like a father, who protects and provides for his subjects, like wise, a Queen is a mother who nourishes and ensures there is harmony and peace among her people. Conflicts are something you cannot avoid but, a Queen mother is more approachable than a King. So he warned me in advance for the upcoming court meetings. As the new Queen, I'm supposed to spend most of my time, knowing my people. Part of which includes my world tour. Visiting various countries and meeting common people and make sure, they are happy under our rule. Tough task, if you ask me, adapting to this new life.

What is more though is, dealing with the revelions. During Firner reign, people were living peacefully, with the exception of Rouges and...Human hunters. Yes, that's the biggest and hopefully, the only issue right now. During the Invasion, people categorized themselves into three major groups. 1- being the people who open heartedly welcomed the supernatural beings to co-exist with them. 2- those who didn't have much choice, but to except them. They didn't gain or loose anything from them( like my family, as human). 3- and the most predictable groups, who never excepted the invasion on their home. Can you blame them though?

Putting myself in their shoes, and living 25 years of my life, just like them, I actually can feel them. Would you except some strangers claming your home as theirs? No way. So, in a way, there reaction is natural but, their ways of dealing with it, was wrong. Attacking and killing the shifters. Looting the travellers and terrorizing the innocent common people, is not the right way to declare war against the Supernaturals. Now here I am, working on those particular problems and trying to find a way to reach out to their current leader...Pierce, before I start to face my people and answer to them.

"What are you doing love? Need any help?" Asked Drake, coming inside my office. Yup, the same office Firner used before the Coronation, but I refuse to take his chair, unless the Human hunters issue is resolved. Firner has taken his retirement very seriously and doesn't come to the office so, it's me and my mates now, against the world. Though I didn't refuse to wear the crown, I still don't feel worth of it...yet. "I can use some help." I smiled at him, returning the kiss, when he leaned down to greet me. "Ummm. That was very helpful indeed. " I said, snaking my hands around his neck, pulling him down for another kiss. "Keep doing that and we'll end up on that couch." He said, smirking.

"Being a Queen is so exacting. A little bit of romance to release stress, doesn't sound so bad, my lover." I said, hovering my lips over his. He growled. "We can try that after some time because, we don't want you to passout from 'over workouts' now, do we?" He chuckled making me pout. He pecked my pouted lips again and lifted me bridal style, making me yelp. "Let's see, what you're so stressed about." He said, making me sit on his lap. "Are these the short listed candidates, for you personal bodyguards posts?" He asked, making me nod.

"Yes. When I was checking the profiles, I was making sure to go through all the criterias and your particular "special clause" too, which left me with only 20 people best suited for the jobs." I glared at him, making him laugh. "It's for your safety, and for out sanity, little mate. What wrong in that?" He asked, trying very hard, not to laugh. This man is sleeping on the couch forever. Ha! Like you can stop him from crawling onto your bed. Joked Nyx. Point. That's why, I'll be taking the couch. I smirked in my mind. Being queen has made you heartless. She complained. I laughed. "I'm glad, my jokes could makes you laugh." Said Drake, smirking.

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