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Love can build, but it can also destroy.
It takes away everything, all of
the Joy.
Despair may feel incarcerated
But it's there to comfort in the face
Of loneliness.



A stupid person is someone who has the facts, who has the proper information, and still makes the wrong decision. I made a mistake, now I'm living with the consequences. "I regret it, I really do." I said, looking at all my brothers and two friends, who are also my brother in laws. Simon and Blade. "I'm sorry Ken. It was my idea to begin with. I ruined your life and any chances you had with your mate and wife." Said Blaze, my brother. "No. The reality is people mess up. Don't Let one mistake ruin a beautiful thing. We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future Ken. Let's not blame each other and duel in the past. You hear me?" Said Drake, the most thoughtful brother.

"She doesn't want me. She hates me." I said, recalling her face full of loath towards me. "Even if I confessed that she's my mate, she didn't even flinch bro. It was like, she doesn't know any emotions other than anger and loath. Every second I was in her presence, she made sure to tear me apart with each sharp word she threw at me. I can't even meet her eyes more than a few seconds, afraid to see the accusations she had for me." I said, blinking my tears. "Hey. You're breaking my heart man." Said Blade, squeezing my shoulder. "I can imagine what you're going through. Your sister didn't make it easy for me either." He said smirking.

My other brothers chuckled. But I was not in a mood to even react to any jokes. "This is why, I don't want a mate." I rolled my eyes at my all so great cold hearted brother Brenton. All of us gave him a death glare, which he brushed away. "What? Correct me if I'm wrong. Look how pussy whipped he looks. A mate makes you week here and here." He said pointing at his heart and mind. "Few days back you were happily fucking that brunnet, screaming 'this is how you should treat a bitch' and look at your state today. As soon as your dragon recognized her as your mate, that pathetic human is the only thought decaying your mind."

Felkor growled at him for insulting our mate. "Careful brother mine. Think again before trash talking about our mate. Felkor will tear you apart, brother or not." I warned him." he smirked that idiot. "Dracon loves challenges. Are you challenging me brother mine?" He laughed manacingly. We growled at each other, teeth baring. Before anyone could stop us, I was out of my chair throwing punches at my dickhead brother. His dragon was also out with scales and claws. "You are weak brother." He said throwing me toward the table we were gathered around, smashing it into pieces.

I groan, getting up and did the same to him throwing him against the wall. He hit hard and fall down bleeding from his mouth and nose. He laughed baring his bloody teeth. "Is that all you got?" I growled and marched towards him with every purpose to teach him a lesson. But two pair of hand hold me back. " let me go!" I'm going to kill him today. "Stop this nonsense, both of you!! Shouted Drake coming in between both of us. Kaiden and Blaze were helping Brenton up. He was still smiling, that dumbwit.

"What has got into you Kenneth? Brenton?" Kaiden asked, frustrated. "Weren't we talking about how to get his mate back? How come both of you end of throwing punches at each other's faces?" He asked, pushing Brenton to sit on a chair. "You all saw him starting it!" I said, pulling myself out of the hold and walking straight to the window, to get some fresh air. "Fucking asshole! " I muttered, looking at his bloody face. Blade was handing him a cloth to wipe it. I did a good job cracking his head and nose. Although he would heal in no time, it felt good, hitting the shit out of him.

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