𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟛

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pov Dunk:

I wake up and everything is spinning. My head hurts, but the question is why. 

Oh right, the party yesterday. I can't even remember how I got home. The last thing I remember is Joong running out of the bar and me dancing and drinking too much. Wow... superit is morning and already my mood is ruined. I struggle out of bed and have breakfast first. When I look at my phone, I have 1 unread message from Joong. He messaged me at 8 o'clock and now it's already 12 o'clock. Luckily, I don't have any performances, interviews or anything similar today. At first, I am happy, but when I read it, I am only more confused than before and more questions form in my head.

I'm sorry :(

That's all he wrote, just those two words.

Back to Yesterday night:

pov Joong:

I run as fast as I can out of the bar, the only thing I hear is my name being called. I just need some distance from HIM right now... 

My heart calms down and I finally clear my head with the fresh air out here. When I look at my phone, I see that it's already 4 in the morning. I think I should go back to the bar, in the end I might be searched for. 

As I open the door now, stuffy air hits me. I make my way through the dancing people and look around. I really need to talk to Dunk. I find him drunk on a sofa. 

"Let's talk, please! It was shitty of me to run away and my behavior towards you in the past few weeks was also wrong."

"How great of you to just realize now what an idiot you were," he slurred. 

"I think we should talk more calmly tomorrow. You're not in the best condition for that kind of conversation right now. Come on, I'll take you home. It's been a busy day."

The only thing he uttered was an annoyed groan. I helped him up and we both left the bar... Dunk and I... and hailed a taxi. After waiting outside for the taxi for 20 minutes, there was only silence between us.

When we finally arrived at Dunk's home after 30 minutes of silence, I helped him into bed. I took off his shoes and jacket and covered him up. "I'm going now, I'll text you tomorrow", I said as I was already on my way out the door. But as I was leaving, Dunk called out to me, "No, please stay with me for a while." I hesitated for a moment, but then took off my shoes and got into bed with him. I lay on my side and we looked directly into each other's eyes. After a few minutes, he leaned forward and kissed me. 

Damn! That was exactly what I wanted to prevent. He was fucking drunk, Joong. You can't do that.

I was so shocked that I didn't react at first. But the desire overwhelmed me and I put my hand on his cheek and leaned forward. The kiss became more and more intimate.

After a long kiss that ended too quickly for me, I realized what I had done. Nevertheless, I stayed lying next to him until he fell asleep. 

Before I left, I kissed him on the forehead and whispered to him "I love you and I'm so sorry for everything".

As soon as I was on my way home, I messaged Dunk and put my phone on silent.


 Guys, could you please give me some feedback? 

Should I keep writing? 

What can I improve? 

And what else do you want for the story?

I wish all of you a beautiful day and thanks so much for reading. 🤗

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