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pov Dunk:

I was already sitting at the computer trying to finish a homework assignment for university. This year was my last semester. Joong was still in bed, sleeping. "Where's my breakfast?" I rolled my eyes. "Make it yourself." He laughed. "Yeah, just kidding, babe." When he was done, he came over to me and handed me a coffee. I gratefully accepted it. He sat down next to me. I continued writing on my computer. He turned my face towards him with his hand. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" "I'm just tired and fed up with this assignment. I didn't get enough sleep because of you." He grinned with his suggestive smile and kissed me. We kissed for a long time and couldn't stop. When we pulled away to catch our breath, I said, "No, I can't do this. I really need to finish the assignment now." I said it to convince myself. Oh man, this man drives me crazy. I just can't keep my hands off him. He looked at me with that look that meant trouble and muttered in his deep voice, "Then do it." He knew perfectly well that he was irresistible. And he knew exactly how to get me.

I sighed and tried to focus on my task again. Joong watched me with an amused look. "You just can't stay away from me, can you?" he said with a mischievous grin. I shook my head and smiled slightly. "It's not fair how you distract me," I replied. "But I really need to finish, otherwise I'll get into trouble." Joong put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "You'll manage, babe. I won't disturb you anymore," he promised, gently kissing my forehead. I smiled gratefully and turned back to my computer. 

When I woke up, I was lying on the sofa with a blanket over my body. Joong had done that. I must have fallen asleep while working on the assignment.

I notices a folded letter lying on the table. Curiosity piqued, I reaches out and picks it up, unfolding it carefully. The words on the page instantly capture my attention, and a mix of surprise and anticipation washes over me. The letter reveals a heartfelt confession, expressing the sender's desire to never let go of me.

Dear Dunk,

I want to wake up with you every morning. I want to fall asleep with you every night. I fall more in love with you every day. Thank you for everything, babe. 

A year has passed since we tied the knot. In this time, we have experienced so much and faced many challenges, but our love has only deepened. We have learned to rely on each other and support one another unconditionally. In difficult moments, we have provided each other with strength and found solutions together. In happy moments, we have shared our joy and encouraged each other to pursue our dreams. We have also learned to compromise and accept our differences, understanding that marriage is not always easy, but it is worth fighting for our love. Especially because we are famous and not everyone approves. We have always stood by each other. I remember when you were sitting on the bed, crying one afternoon, and I didn't know what was wrong. It was the comments about our marriage from haters on the internet. We will get through everything. I wanted to sit beside you and cry because I saw you so down. But we didn't let ourselves be undermined, especially because there were also many who wrote great comments.

Throughout this year, we have created countless wonderful memories. We spent our honeymoon in an exotic paradise, experiencing unforgettable adventures. We have discovered new hobbies together and shared our passions. And we have included our family and friends in our happiness.

As we look back on our first year of marriage, we are grateful for the love we feel for each other. We know that we can rely on one another and support each other no matter what life brings. With smiles on our faces and excitement for the future, we raise our glasses and toast to our first year of marriage. We know that many more years of happiness and love await us, and together, we can overcome anything.

And so, the story of us, a married couple, comes to an end. We have learned that the true strength of a marriage lies in unconditional love and mutual trust.

I know I can be annoying. Haha, I'm just saying this morning. I have to tell you with this that you will never get rid of me again. 

I love you so much, Dunk.

Your husband Joong. <3

I'm crying again. He knows how much I love letters. They are things that can be read again after years. Sometimes, after a fight with him, I read them to remind myself how much he loves me and that what he does is not meant to be hurtful but to protect me. Arguments are just a part of life. Joong writes me a letter every month, and it's just so sweet. I place the letter in the box where there are already 11 others. So, this is now the 12th letter. 

I truly have the best person by my side.


This is a special moment. 

Today, I watched the 4th episode of Hidden Agenda, and it was so good that it inspired me to write another part of this book.

You should have seen me; I almost jumped for joy while watching the episode, especially at the end.

From me for all the readers (a little letter to you all): MUST READ, PLEASE!

I hope all of you also find someone like this, someone who loves you and helps you through everything. Having someone by your side who supports you unconditionally is truly a blessing.Love is a powerful force that can heal wounds, mend broken hearts, and bring joy to our lives. It's not always easy to find, but when you do, hold onto it tightly. Cherish the moments, both big and small, and never take them for granted.In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic and uncertain, having a person who loves and supports you can be your anchor. They are the one who sees your flaws and imperfections, yet loves you even more because of them. They are the one who stands by your side, offering a helping hand and a listening ear whenever you need it.So, to all the readers out there, I wish you the kind of love that brings you peace, happiness, and strength. May you find that person who not only loves you but also helps you navigate through life's ups and downs. And when you do, remember to reciprocate that love and support, for it is in giving that we truly receive.

But remember, don't be too hard on yourselves and trust the people you love. Each and every one of you is beautiful in your own unique way. We all have things we dislike about ourselves, but we can all learn to diminish those negative thoughts.

I want you to love yourselves. You deserve it. Embrace your flaws and imperfections, for they are what make you who you are. Treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and self-care.

Believe in your own worth and value, for you are deserving of love and happiness. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, and let go of those who bring you down.

Remember, you are enough just as you are. You are deserving of love, respect, and all the good things life has to offer. So, be gentle with yourselves, embrace your uniqueness, and love yourselves unconditionally.

your author


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