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pov Joong:

The next day, we met with Pond's parents, whom I had embraced as my own. I was a little nervous about the meeting, as it had been a long time since I last saw them. As we approached the meeting point, I couldn't help but reflect on how far we had come. From two school friends, joking and having fun, to becoming a family that supported each other.

Pond's parents were already waiting for us at a cozy café. When they saw us coming, they waved with warm smiles. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Are you ready?" Pond whispered. "Yes," I replied, smiling back at him. We had talked a lot about the day yesterday.

As we approached them, I could feel my heart beating faster. They stood up to greet us, and Pond's mother hugged me warmly. "Oh, Joong, it's so lovely to see you again," she said with kind eyes. "We missed you so much. How are you doing?"

Her words touched me, and I felt a sense of acceptance that I hadn't experienced in a long time. It may sound silly, but I had always felt like I was intruding into their family. But now, I knew better.

We all sat down, and as we talked, I could feel the deep connection rekindling. We shared stories about our lives. Although I had kept in touch with them over the years, we had never talked so openly and extensively. So, we caught up on everything. I loved them. They were like my own parents.

"I'm sorry. I should have kept in touch more," I said. They looked at me and smiled. "It's okay. You can make up for it now," they said. I smiled from the bottom of my heart. Pond and I brought up so many beautiful experiences from our childhood during the meal.

"Do you remember the day when we missed the school bus and had to walk to school?" I asked, laughing.

"Oh yes, that was a real adventure! We ran the whole way to arrive on time," Pond recalled, laughing along.

Our mother chuckled and said, "You two have always been a team, always there for each other. Your bond has always been something special."

As we continued chatting, Pond's parents shared proud moments of watching us at school events and competitions. They remembered how Pond and I were engaged in both academic and extracurricular activities, always supporting each other.

"You know, I have always felt honored to be your mother. Both of you are so talented and dedicated, and I am so proud of everything you have achieved," she said, her eyes filled with tears of joy.

Pond and I smiled, and I could feel tears forming in my eyes too.

Pond's father concluded the reminiscing with the words, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to us. We are so grateful for every minute we get to spend with you."

We hugged our parents warmly, and in that moment, the feeling of love and connection was stronger than ever before. I realized how precious family was and promised to keep in touch more. "Would you like to stay with us? The bedrooms are just like before," they said. I looked at Pond, and he conveyed with his eyes that it was my decision. "I would love to, but I have something planned for my boyfriend," I said with a smile. "You have a boyfriend? Bring him with you next time, okay?" We said our goodbyes and arranged to meet again in two weeks for the weekend.

As we walked away, I felt overwhelmed with gratitude. I had found a second family in Pond's parents, and I knew that our bond would only grow stronger in the future.

Pov Dunk:

It was evening, which meant Joong wasn't home yet, as he would have messaged me otherwise. I sat in my room, staring at the empty chair where Joong used to sit. It had been days since I last saw my boyfriend, and an overwhelming feeling of emptiness consumed me. It had only been two days, but the last time he was away for only a few hours. Joong's absence felt like a void in my life, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of missing him. It felt somewhat selfish, especially since he had other problems to deal with, but I had at least expected him to reach out after his conversation with his father.

Every corner of the apartment was filled with memories of our laughter, our late-night conversations, and our shared moments of happiness. Now, I could only indulge in those memories and wished Joong was here right now to create more memories together. And in that moment, the doorbell rang.


Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!

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