𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟚𝟚

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Pov Joong:

It's early in the morning. Our flight is not until noon, but I am already awake. I feel excited and uneasy. Today is the day. I will meet my father again after so many years. On one hand, I am looking forward to it, but on the other hand, I am scared. I am excited because I haven't seen Pond's parents in a long time. I love them dearly, and I am so grateful for the years they took care of me and still do. They even send me money sometimes, just like they do for Pond. Most of the time, I send it back because I can't accept it, as they have already done so much for me. Pond is probably still asleep; we were out late at the hotel yesterday.

I decide to go for a run; I just need it right now. I start running, and after a while, my legs start to ache, but I don't stop. It's the kind of pain that feels good. Sounds silly? But it's true! The pain distracts me from the impending conversation with my father. When I return to the hotel, all sweaty, I pass by Pond's hotel room, and the door opens just as I pass. He's probably planning to go out for breakfast with me. I completely forgot about the time.

"Where were you?" Pond asks. "Good morning first, maybe. I was jogging," I reply. "Ah, I see. Good morning, my very best friend. So, where were you early in the morning?" This guy, really. Hahahah. I love him. "Like I said, I was jogging." "I see." "I'll quickly take a shower, and then we can have breakfast, okay?" "As you wish." He laughs and goes back to his room. I can't help but smile; I have the best friend.

I hop into the shower, trying to calm my nerves. The warm water relaxes my muscles, and it feels good as it flows down my body.

The initial blast of water felt invigorating, and I let out a contented sigh as it washed away the sweat and grime from my run. I reached for the body wash, reveling in the fresh scent that filled the air. The lather formed a luxurious foam on my skin, and I ran my hands along my arms and chest, massaging my tired muscles.

The water cascaded down my body, soothing every ache and tension. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of relaxation and cleanliness. It was as if the water was rejuvenating not only my body but also my mind.

After stepping out of the shower, I video-called Dunk. He smiled into the camera, still lying in bed with a sleepy look. I couldn't help but smile back. Oh my god, I was so in love. (Imagine the glances Joke threw at Ep 2 Zoo).

"Hey," he said. "Hey," I replied. "Is everything okay with you?" I wanted to say no, as we had promised to be honest with each other, but at the same time, I wanted him to have a good day and not worry about me. "Yeah," I hesitated. "What's wrong, baby? You know you can tell me anything." "Hmm. I'm flying to Pond's parents today. You know that, right?" "Yeah, and what's the problem?" "There's no problem, I'm just scared because I've decided to meet my father." "That's great. I think it's good for you. I just ask one thing! Don't go alone. Maybe he has changed, but you never know." "Don't worry. Pond is coming with me." I thought he might be a little disappointed, but it was quite the opposite. He looked relieved now. "Okay, that's good. Don't stress yourself out." Easier said than done. My whole body was tense. Apparently, he noticed, and I became even more tense. "By the way, do you know how hot you look? Why the hell don't you have a shirt on?" I knew he was serious, trying to distract me at the same time. It worked, of course. "If you had stayed here, you would have me all to yourself now." He laughed. "I'm not worried about that. You are already mine, and I'm yours." I smiled. "That's true." I looked at the clock. Oh god, Pond was probably waiting impatiently for me to finally come so we could have breakfast. "Babe, I have to go. Pond will get angry if we have breakfast late because of me." "Hahah, okay."

A few seconds of silence. "Joong," he said seriously. "Yes?" "You are one of the strongest persons I know. You can do this. I'm here for you, even if I'm not right next to you. When you're sitting there having that conversation, I want you to let all your emotions flow. It's okay to show them. I love you more than anything." "Thank you. I love you more than anything too. You can't even imagine how much. If there were stronger words to describe how I feel about you, I would say them." These words came from the bottom of my heart. We waved at each other, and I hung up feeling a little lighter than before. Without him knowing, he took away some of the pain.

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