𝟙 𝕪𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣

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Pov Joong:

A year later, our wedding took place, which had become one of the most anticipated events in the film and television industry. After our relationship was made public, we became an inspiration for many, and the support we received was overwhelming. The big day had finally arrived, and everyone was there, Pond, Phuwin, our friends, the entire family, and many more.

The ambiance of the wedding was breathtaking, the decor was exquisite, and every aspect of the event was planned down to the smallest detail. The location, a beautiful sprawling villa by the sea, was perfect for the occasion, and provided a picturesque backdrop for the ceremony.

I looked absolutely stunning in my white suit. I was glowing with happiness as I waited for my groom. By my side was my best friend and best man, Pond, who provided support and reassurance.

Then came Dunk. He was dressed in a tailored black suit that made him look elegant and stylish. He radiated an aura of calm and contentment as he walked down the aisle, accompanied by his mother.

When Dunk finally stood in front of me, I could see the love and affection in our eyes. We smiled at each other as the ceremony began and we exchanged our vows. It was a touching moment as we professed our love and vowed to always be there for each other.

As the rings were exchanged and the kiss was shared, the guests broke into cheers. The celebrations lasted into the night, with dancing, laughter, and much joy.

Our wedding was not only a celebration of our love, but also a symbol of acceptance and openness. It was a testament to the fact that love knows no boundaries and that it should be celebrated in all its forms.

On this day, Dunk and I were not just actors, but two people celebrating our love for each other. It was our day, and we were beaming with happiness. It was the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, one that we would embark on as husbands and as partners in life, always together, hand in hand.

A few days after our wedding, we both found ourselves back in our shared home. Dunk and I had decided to read out the letters we wrote a year ago. I was curious and also a bit nervous to see Dunk's reaction to my letter, and I'm sure he felt the same.

I read out my letter first. As I read, I could see Dunk's face clearly. His eyes shone with joy and love. With each line I read out, I could feel his hand tighten around mine. When I finished my letter, I saw tears of emotion in his eyes. "Joong, this is... this is beautiful. I knew you loved me, but to hear it expressed this way... I can't put into words how happy I am."

Dear Joong,

I'm sitting here, looking for the right words to express what I feel for you. How can one put feelings into words that are so deep and so true that they can hardly be described?

Our journey began a long time ago. I still remember clearly the day we first met. Your smile, your kindness, and your compassion touched me right away. Since then, I have treasured every moment we have spent together.

You have enriched my life in a way that no one else has. You were always there to comfort me when I was sad, to make me laugh when I had a bad day, and to encourage me when I was unsure.

I love everything about you, Joong. Your laughter that brightens my darkest days. Your eyes that always show me that you understand me, even when we don't speak. Your gentle way of caring for me and others. Your strength, not giving up even in difficult times. But most of all, I love your heart, which is so full of love and kindness.

With you by my side, I feel complete. You are my best friend, my love, and my partner. You are what I have always been looking for in my life. The person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I promise you that I will always be there for you, just like you are for me. I will support you, comfort you, and love you, in good times and in bad. Because my love for you is unshakable.

I look forward to all the adventures that still lie ahead of us. I look forward to growing old with you, to laughing with you, to crying with you, and to experiencing all the highs and lows of life.

I love you, Joong, more than words can express. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

In eternal love, Dunk.

Then it was time for Dunk to read out his letter. He took my letter and began to read. His words, so honest and loving, touched me deeply. I could feel the deep love he had for me in every word he spoke. It was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but shed tears of emotion as well.

Dear Dunk,

With every word I write, I can feel the warmth of our love and the strength of our bond. It's impossible to encapsulate the fullness of my feelings for you in a letter, but I will do my best to show you how deep my love for you is. As I sit here, I can't believe that you are with me. Tomorrow is the day I will ask you a question that will change our lives. Either positively or negatively. I hope you say yes. I don't want to let you go, you are the most important person to me.

From the moment we met, you have changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. You brought color to my world, illuminated it with your smile, and showed me that it's possible to be loved unconditionally.

I appreciate your unconditional love, your loyalty, and the way you inspire me to be a better person. You have strengthened me in times of uncertainty, showed patience with my mistakes, and loved me when I felt I didn't deserve it.

I love you, Dunk. I love you for your courage, your strength, and your kindness. I love you for your smile, which brings light to my life even on the darkest days. And most of all, I love you for your heart, full of love and compassion.

You are more than just my partner, Dunk. You are my best friend, my confidant, and the person I love more than anything else in the world. With you by my side, I feel safe and loved, and I look forward to every additional day I get to spend with you.

I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together, creating new memories, and growing together. I look forward to growing old together, celebrating the good times, and enduring the bad times. Because I know that with you by my side, there's nothing we can't handle.

You're sitting next to me writing. No matter what you do, you are beautiful, every single fiber and part of you. What I love most about you, however, is your openness and your honesty. I love your tattoo. Oh man. I love everything about you. And I will show you every day if I may.

I love you, Dunk. You are incredibly important to me.

With love, Joong.

When Dunk had finished his letter, we looked into each other's eyes. In that moment, I realised just how infinitely happy I was to have Dunk by my side. His love, his support, and his kindness were something I would never take for granted.

"Thank you, Dunk," I said, my voice shaking. "I love you more than words can express."

Dunk smiled and pulled me into his arms. "I love you too, Joong," he whispered. "And I'm looking forward to a lifetime of love and happiness with you."

On that day, we both knew that we would belong to each other forever, and we were ready to embark on the next chapter of our lives - together, as husbands and as best friends.

it is finished. i hope you loved this book. thanks to everyone who read it love you all

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