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JJ's laugh filled my room. I've been watching the guys' videos for the past few days. It was nice seeing how much fun they had and after joining them filming, I could see that everything they did was real, well, at least their reactions. My phone vibrated, making me look away from the laptop screen.

Chip (Josh)

I send the other guys your number.
Be prepared.

I furrowed my eyebrows but was glad for the warning because just seconds later I was put into a groupchat by an unknown number. Taking the Laptop off my lap, I leaned against the back of the bed and watch the messages floating in. Thanks to the profile pictures and a little bit of research, it wasn't too hard to put a name to the number. Quickly saving everyone's contact, I read through the messages.

pub tourists🍺

Harry; I thought we said 9

Chris; 8:30

Josh (Chip); Joan, get here

Josh (Chip); *location*


Am I finally being kidnapped?

Chris; No, we're still working on the plan

Arthur; I'm in the Uber right now

Theo; I think I'm sitting this one out if Joan is joining us

What are we talking about?

Josh (Chip); Pub golf round two bitches

Josh (Chip); Kidding.

Josh (Chip); Just a night out.

For real?

I'm down.

Theo; I'm not


Arthur; Who taught her that?

Harry; She's been watching our videos for the past few days trying to catch up

don't expose me, bog.

Chris; Joan, you need a lift?

Yes, please

Chris; 10 minutes.

Yes, sir

Theo; me too?

Chris; you're not disabled.

I smiled at the messages and quickly got out of the heavy blanket, nearly throwing my teddy bear off the bed during the process. I was glad about the fact that they thought of me. I hated meeting new people, so finding friends was the one thing I was worried of the most before moving here.

I grabbed some clothes from the closet, this time actually being able to prepare myself for going out, not like the last time. Quickly changing into the dark outfit, I grabbed my makeup back and threw together a somewhat presentable look before my phone started ringing. ''Mr MD?'' He laughed a little. ''Are you done?'' I nodded before realizing he can't see it. ''On my way downstairs.'' I hung up before grabbing a small bag and putting the most essential things inside of it, my key for example. I shut the door behind me and called the elevator up, getting inside of it as soon as the doors opened even just a small bit.

''Joan DuMaire!'' I saw Chris in front of a car, holding the door open for me. I gave him a quick side hug before scooting along the backseat so he could sit down next to me. ''Hello.'' I gave the driver a short wave whilst Chris sat down next to me and closed the door. ''Hey, thank you for inviting me.'' I said in a lower voice than before. Chris smiled at me. ''We've all been new to this city. But judging by the past week I think I didn't make a mistake my slicing you open.'' I could see the driver looking at us through the rear back mirror with a concerned look on his face. ''Right? I thought the same thing.'' Both of us laughed a little whilst the car drove down some streets.

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