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Thankful for aloe vera, I started putting on more sunscreen. I've been reapplying it every 20 minutes for the past 2 hours that we've been on this boat. The boys were in the sea, some even driving with a jetski. I liked watching them from a safe distance. ''Beer?'' I looked to the side and saw Chip with a cold bottle of beer in his hands, handing it to me. ''Thanks.'' We took a sip and I leaned over the railing. ''Now, tell me again. Why aren't you down there with the rest of us?'' I chuckled a little. He was still wearing his west. Everyone took turns on the jetski, just I didn't. ''I have Thalassophobia.'' He scrunched his face.

''What now?'' I laughed. I wasn't afraid of a lot, but the things I was afraid of were haunting me throughout my whole life. Clowns, big objects, and open water. ''I don't like being in open water. As soon as I can't see what's below me, I'm out.'' Chris laughed whilst I turned back around to see Harry on a Jetski. ''You suck.'' I smiled before nodding. ''I do, yes.'' His eyes grew at my words before shaking his head. ''For fucks sake, Joan.'' He walked to the end of the boat before turning around again.

''Let's go.'' I furrowed my eyebrows. ''Where to?'' A small smirk appeared on his face. ''I'm going to show you that water isn't that bad.'' I shook my head, placing the bottle on a small table. ''Trust me, I've tried.'' But I still walked up to him, slowly following him down to the edge of the boat were Chris had stopped just a few seconds ago. ''What's up with you?'' He stepped onto the boat whilst Chip sat down on the Jetski. ''I don't want to.'' I said in a low voice, wrapping my arms around my upper body. ''Mate, help her on this thing.'' Chip motioned for Chris to hold my hand, what he did. ''Slow and steady, las.'' I did as I was told, wrapping my arms around Chip as soon as I left the boat. He was wet and cold, a great feeling after being in the sun for so long. ''Here.'' I looked to the side just to see Chris holding his vest over my head. Chip put his hands behind him, on my legs. Even if that wouldn't stop me from falling into the water, I felt a lot safer. ''Arms.'' I did what Chris told me just to feel the cold vest against my skin seconds later. He closed it and gave me a smile. ''All done.'' I wrapped my arms around Chips waist again and felt the Jetski moving just seconds later. 

The water hit my hot skin. The air was blowing my hair around. Slowly opening my scrunched eyes, I saw the waves hitting the Jetski as Chip sped up. ''You alive back there?'' I muttered a small ''Yes.'' Whilst looking around. This was beautiful. Even with the endless sea surrounding us, I tried enjoying the small things. ''Oi, Bog!'' Suddenly, the Jetski sped up even faster, I lost the grip around Chip, my hands slipping away. The hard water hit my body seconds later. I felt my body being lifted back up, thanks to the lifevest. Gasping for air, I started breathing faster. In front of me I saw two Jetski's driving towards me, a hand reaching out for me seconds later.

My body was lifted back on a Jetski. ''Are you alright?'' I looked at the man in front of me with big eyes, nodding. ''Yeah, fine, I'm good.'' Stuttering I felt water hitting my skin again. ''Shit, Joan, sorry.'' I looked to my left and saw Chip stopping next to us. ''No worries. This things might have just saved my life.'' I said, an anxious laugh leaving my mouth. ''I'll take you back.'' Nodding, I wrapped my arms around the man in front of me, resting my wet head against his back. I felt his hand on my knee. We arrived back at the boat just moments later. Harry jumped off the Jetski, reaching out for my hand to help me off the thing. ''Thank you.'' I put a strain of hair behind my ear and smiled at him. ''Don't worry about it. Let's just lay down a bit, alright?'' He opened my vest, helping me take it off.

''You don't have to stay here with me. I could just go up to Chris.'' Harry shook his wet hair and took his vest off as well. ''Rather much drink a beer and enjoy the sun a bit.'' He smiled, leading me up the stairs. ''I'll catch up with you.'' He said, entering the inside of the boat whilst I walked up to the lounge. ''That was quick.'' Chris sat on one of the chairs, hiding from the sun. ''I'm beginning to think that you two want me dead.'' I said, passing him and laying down on one of the sunbeds. ''What?'' I reached for my sunglasses. 'Chip tried drowning me.'' I closed my eyes whilst hearing him laugh.

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