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"So, what's the plan for the next couple months?" Kelce stuffed his mouth with fries whilst looking at Harry and I. Shrugging, I took a sip of my coke. "Probably looking for a proper flat." I answered. Kelce was right to ask me about it. I've been in london for nearly six months now which meant that I'd either have to move back soon or get a place that wouldn't kick me out in six months. I rented the flat for a year, meaning that it would be someone else's place soon. It was kind of sad. I've been decorating that place since moving here and knowing I'd have to take everything out again nearly broke my heart. "Told her she could move in with me up until she finds something." Harry muttered.

We've had that talk many times before but I always managed to change the subject. It's been annoying me. I knew all he meant was good but I just didn't feel comfortable to move in with him yet.

''Yeah, well, I told you I'll think about it.'' I caught Harry rolling his eyes and just snored. ''What?'' He shrugged and looked back at his food. ''You always say you'll think about it and never speak about it again.'' I furrowed my eyebrows, dropping my chip. ''When have I ever done that?'' I saw Kelce shifting in his seat a little. ''Well, you used to do that back home a lot.'' I shot him a glare before turning my attention back to Harry. ''Two weeks ago for example. I asked if you wanted to go golfing with Lux and I and you said you'll think about it.'' I rolled my eyes and chuckled a little. ''Yeah, well, I didn't want to just join in on a thing that you and Lux always do alone.''

I wasn't lying. But Harry had a point. I didn't give him a clear answer to that question. But golfing was something him and his friends always did. I didn't feel comfortable just joining them without knowing the basics of golfing. ''You could've just said that. No one would've thought less of you.'' I shrugged before taking another chip and looking at the plate in front of me. ''This took a turn.'' Kelce suddenly said, trying to lift the mood. I nodded and looked at Harry's plate, who took the pickle out of his burger, placing it on my plate without looking at me. I picked it up and ate it. In front of me I saw Kelce smiling a little. ''Look, I think what you need is to talk more openly.''

Harry and I both lifted our heads to look at him. ''You sound like a therapist.'' Kelce leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. ''I know.''

We finished our meals in silence after that conversation. Well, Kelce sometimes tried to start one to which Harry or I just gave a short reply. We were in Harry's car, driving to the airport to drop Kelce off. It made me sad that he'd be leaving again after only two days, but knowing that he had to work, I let him go.

''Promise you'll come back again this year.'' I muttered into his neck whilst hugging my best friend. He nodded and grabbed onto my shoulders. ''Pinky promise.'' We wrapped our pinkys around the other one's with a smile. ''I love you.'' I pulled him into another hug. ''I love you too, J.'' With a heavy heart, I let go off him and watched him hug Harry as well. I knew he was still freaking out in the inside. I could see it in his eyes. ''It was nice meeting you, Kelce.'' The two men stood in front of each other. ''Yeah, you too, Harry.'' Sending me one last smile, I watched Kelce walk up to the security check. ''Take care of each other!'' Was the last thing he said before I lost sight of him.

Waiting for a couple more minutes, Harry and I stood in silence next to each other just staring at the people in front of us. ''Oh my, are you doing another holiday video!?'' Our heads spun to the side to see a girl next to us. ''What? Oh, no. Just dropped off a friend.'' Harry stuttered. I gave him a small smile before reaching for the phone the girl handed me. ''Could you? Oh thanks.'' Harry wrapped his arm around the girls shoulder, smiling at the camera. I quickly took a few pictures before giving the phone back to her. ''Thank you so much. You two are really cute.'' She smiled before turning around and leaving.

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