Chapter 67

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★ The Second Life Idols Lucky Plan – Chapter 67


After deciding on the concept, we started the discussion on parts distribution.

The main rapper was decided to be Ju Dan-woo without disagreement, and the center was confirmed to be Kang Hyun-jin, who would lead the formation through dance.

It was obvious what parts would have the most trouble.

"I think I can pull off the main vocals well."

"Yeah, I agree with that. But I'm the original songwriter, and I don't think there's anyone who knows the song better than me."

It was the main vocal part where the sharp confrontation between Aiden Lee and Kyung Ji-won occurred.

The conflict between Kyung Ji-won, who sticks to his opinions with a calm face, and Aiden Lee, who never backs down with a smile, has already been going on for over ten minutes.

"Of course, no trainee knows more about singing than Aiden Hyung. But I think knowing and expressing are two different things."

"Yes, expressiveness is also very important. But isn't there something you need to know to be able to express it? If you think like that, I don't think anyone can express it better than me!"

The other members of the team kept their mouths shut and just looked at the confrontation between the two like a spear that could pierce everything and a shield that could block everything.

"Wait a minute, I don't think there will be a decision if we continue like this."

In a situation where no conclusion could be reached, I eventually stopped two people from speaking for mediation.

Kyung Ji-Won and Aiden Lee, who were continuing their bloody confrontation as if they were facing life and death, both turned their heads looking salty at the same time and looked at me. Seeing the grim gazes, I sighed and came up with the most equitable solution.

"We decide by voting, I think that would be the quickest and simplest."


"Each one of us sings the Sabi part with the lyrics now, and the remaining trainees, excluding the applicants, vote to make a decision. I hope everyone decides on a trainee who seems to fit the mood of the song best."

"... I think that would be the fastest."

"I like it."

The two of them nodded their heads, still annoyed, perhaps realizing that my proposal was the quickest way to end this never-ending confrontation.

It was time for the other trainees to nod and express their affirmation along with the two of them.

"... So then, shouldn't we make it more fair? "

"Um, yes?"

"Yooha... I thought it would be better for you to go too. There are three main vocal candidates, including Yooha, so if we listen to all three versions, I think there will be more diverse possibilities."

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