The Furious Su Mei

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Chu Feng never would have thought that the little girl seemed so pure, yet was so unreserved. No matter what you say, she was still a little beauty, so how could she say such things out of nowhere?

“Marry you? Why wouldn’t I dare?”

But Chu Feng did not back off. He stopped his steps, put his hand under his chin, looked up and down with his eyes, and seriously evaluated the beauty in front of him.

Only then did he discover that Su Mei’s age may not be big, but her development was quite nice. It really heated people up with her good convexes and her beautiful curves.

“You...You dare marry, but I don’t. Damn hooligan.”

Being looked by Chu Feng’s scoundrelly gaze, Su Mei could not keep up with that face. She finally discovered that she was too inexperienced in acting shamelessly with Chu Feng, and just with a few words from Chu Feng, she became completely frantic.

“Oh? That’s great if you don’t marry, you really aren’t my type.” Chu Feng faintly smiled, as if a huge burden had been released and continued walking.

“ bastard.” Su Mei’s angry voice came from behind him.

To have revenge on Chu Feng, Su Mei did not leave Chu Feng no matter what and she kept on sticking next to him. As they walked, Chu Feng attracted plenty of enmity.

Chu Feng really was helpless against Su Mei’s actions. On the topic of power, he was far from Su Mei, and even if he was stronger than Su Mei, there was no need to use fighting to drive the little beauty away right?

Since he was helpless, Chu Feng might as well enjoy it a bit instead. Once in a while he admired Su Mei’s looks, once in a while he provoked her a bit, and that made her angrily stamp like thunder. She grabbed on Chu Feng’s arm and bit, madly hammered on Chu Feng’s back, and all along the road Chu Feng was quite injured.

There were very few people that recognized Su Mei, but with her beauty she could even be called as #1 in the inner court. Seeing Chu Feng bully a beauty like Su Mei, there were countless of young males that walked up and tried to fight for justice and pull a “hero saving the beauty”.

But what they got was Su Mei’s cursing, and there were even two people that had their ribs broken by Su Mei. When they saw the Wings Alliance badge on Su Mei’s chest, all of them could only curse their luck.

The two of them continued walking, and all the observers would focus their attention on them. Just like that, they became a strange scene. When they walked to the outer-circle, a large amount of people were gathered there and they became the focus point of people’s attention.

“Look, isn’t that Chu Feng?”

“There seems to be a person behind him, isn’t...isn’t that Su Mei?” Two bodies came out of the crowds, and it was the Dragon and Tiger brothers. Those two people were very afraid of Su Mei so they wanted to turn around and escape.

“Bai Long Bai Hu, help me stop this bastard.” But when Su Mei called out to them, they knew that they couldn’t escape.

“Brother, what should we do?”

“Since it’s like this, we can only follow up and give that Chu Feng a bit of suffering. Or else Su Mei would not forgive us.”

The two of them looked at each other’s eyes and remembered Su Mei’s orders from all those days ago. They couldn’t help but grind their teeth and leap towards Chu Feng’s direction as they wanted to block him.

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