Break Them, Got it

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A burst of light steps resonated in the tunnel. Su Mei was swaying her light and soft body and her sparkling drops of sweat were falling. She was excitedly running because the door to the Azure Dragon Flower Garden was right in front of her eyes.

After opening that door, it was equal to her passing the exam and becoming a core disciple. The most important thing were the 7-Coloured Flowers that she wanted to see the most and they were in the world behind those doors.


Following a deep sound, the thick and heavy door was slowly opened by Su Mei. The sunlight poured down and Su Mei couldn’t help but close her eyes as she felt the warm air hitting her face.

But when she opened her eyes again and saw the scene in front of her eyes, the face that originally had a smile hung on it instantly froze. Replacing it was heavy shock.

From nearby, a person was kneeling down. His face was full of blood and he was painfully supporting his body trying to climb up. He was the alliance master of the Wings Alliance, Situ Yu.


But before Situ Yu even stood up, a strong foot fiercely stepped onto his body. The powerful strength ferociously sank him back down. A mouthful of blood sprayed out from his mouth.

The person that stepped on Situ Yu was the alliance master of the Sword Alliance, Jian Fengyi. Beside Jian Fengyi stood another person. It was the alliance master of the World Alliance, Luowu.

“What are you doing?” Seeing that scene, Su Mei was surprised and also endlessly angry at the same time.

“Oh? Isn’t this the #1 beauty in the inner court, Su Mei?” Looking at Su Mei, Luowu excitedly laughed.

“Su Mei, run! They’ve joined hands and they’re attacking the Wings Alliance!” Seeing Su Mei, Situ Yu loudly yelled out.

“Shut up!” Before the words even fell, Jian Fengyi kicked fiercely again towards Situ Yu’s stomach. He painfully curled up in a ball and he couldn’t speak.

“You two bastards.” Seeing that in front of her, how could Su Mei run and escape? She angrily rushed towards them.

But how could the her who was at the 8th level of the Spirit realm beat both Jian Fengyi and Luowu? Very quickly, she was suppressed by them but they did not harm her. They took out a rope made out of special materials and tied her up.

“What are you planning to do?!” Su Mei angrily bellowed. Although Situ Yu was not as close to her as Chu Feng, he was still a decent friend. Seeing Situ Yu being abused by them, she really couldn’t bear to look at it.

“Hehe, no need to get agitated Su Mei. We just want your Wings Alliance members to be broken here.”

“If you don’t understand what I’m saying, I can clarify and tell you. Every single member of the Wings Alliance will fail this year’s exam.” Jian Fengyi smiled and said.

“Bastard, this is against the rules. Wait until the exam is finished. I will tell my sister and you will pay the price.”

“Haha, Su Mei, you’re overestimating your sister. I admit, we’re afraid of her in the inner court. However, when we become core disciples, can she even do anything to us?” Luowu refuted what she said.

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