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"So tum dono ki kiss hui", aisha said in hindi. She is an Indian and I can understand hindi because I've went to India and I've learn it for her. She is sitting on my company's ceo chair. My office is on the top floor of my company.

( you two kissed?)

"Umm yes it was because of the plan" I said.

"It is straight out of mafia books,the guy kisses the girl infront of everyone in the mafia" she said walking around. This girl reads books all the time.

When I was 15 after that assault day Father sent me to Russia for high school. I met aisha there she always follows me around and I coldly didn't talked to her but she just didn't stop she tried to be my friend and then we became friends and I told her about what happened to me , she just taught me to live. We became bestfriend in Russia and when I turn 18 I went to India for 2 years.

She is a sunshine girl,opposite of me.

"Omg we should go to a club"she said.

"You can't go ma'am it is not safe you can get killed in seconds" Enzo said standing at the office door. "Uhhh I will kill this bodyguard of yours " she said groaning.

"you can't "I chuckled.

"I will book the biggest library of Italy so we can go on a library date and You read, I will work " I said. I looked at Enzo he nods.

"Okay thank you rich girl" she said eating the pancakes I ordered for her.

"Enzo you can come in" I ordered. He come in and aisha and Enzo both glare at eachother.

"Aisha you should stop coming here it is unsafe" Enzo said. "Why?", she asked taking sip of coffee. I am sitting on the couch.

"You know Lucia is not normal she in mafia and she is a ceo now and her life is in danger everytime you know"he said sitting on the couch.

"She is my bestfriend and she will not let me die you know and she is a rich brat , she buys me everything how can I leave her" she said. She is not my bestfriend for my money , but I just love to spoil her .

"Lucia the Ceo ceremony is tomorrow everything done "He said. I nod working on the laptop. The Ceo ceremony is tomorrow for my Ceo position. Luca is in south Africa. So, I am the mafia queen now the news has spread to the whole mafia.

"Do you like Davide" Aisha asked. Enzo was stern with Aisha's questions. "Aisha, we don't like someone in our mafia, you know I will never like anyone" I said.

"Why did you let him touch you then and you don't feel bad about it " she said looking at my eyes. "I don't-" I was cut off by a bullet on the glass.

"Aisha down"I snap. she goes down on the table. I took my gun out and moves towards the glass . Enzo went behind the pillar." Dont move Lucia "he said.

I ignored him and saw a man looking at me from another building , he thought I can't shoot him . He was about to run when I shot him. I chuckled. "Enzo send the guards down and inspect "I said moving towards aisha. "It's safe now"

"How the fuck are you alive , It's my 100 time with you getting killed and it must be 1 lakh times when you are going to die" she said scared.

I ignored her and looked at the bullet it has a note around it . I opened it and read it .

' I am coming for you , you will be mine soon , can you feel my presence , I can feel your body on me , I am thinking of the ways I can fuck you '.

"Aisha go to my penthouse and take my guards it's not safe" I said.

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