23.White Rose

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"Where are we going? " I asked to Davide who just smirked looking at me, we're in a helicopter don't know where we're going, but he said that it's a surprise and we're going on a vacation of a week since we didn't went for honeymoon because I got sick.

It's been a month since our wedding. Sofia will stay with Aisha until we return from the vacation. 

He took my hands and intervened them. I looked at our hands, mine small and a little rough while his tanned rough and veiny hands with our black engagement rings brightening.

I looked at his face which was staring at the laptop screen, Davide is always hot as fuck with his dark brown hairs, sharp jaw and perfect nose but the cut beside his left eye look so hot that I just sometimes want to suck it.

I couldn't control and gave a soft suck on that small cut mark right beside his eyes, he didn't reacted but squeezed my hands hardly making me hiss.

"Don't try to wake up the beast inside me honey, the consequences will be as horror as hell" He said giving me a small bite on my cheek but sucked and licked it to soothen the pain.

I felt something down my womanhood so to keep my away from it I looked outside the window. I could only see chains of mountains and greenery all over the land, so beautiful.

"Davide?" I asked for which he hummed, I looked beside at him who also looked at me the same time and our eyes met.

I still can't hold these eye contacts and thousands of butterflies flew inside my stomach.

"If you're the hell than I will gladly go there without a single ounce of fear" I said with smile, and he just stared at me.

He gave me a small smile and heat rushed over my cheeks, fuck the single dimple on his left cheek is so hot. I instantly removed my gaze from his face making him chuckle.

I am in love with him. first I couldn't understand it but now I am 100% sure. He also loves me I know, he just doesn't say it.

We both keeps it inside our heart because we both know sometimes words are not enough to prove our love actions are.

"You yourself said that line then why are you blushing?" he said in his dark voice and again heat rushed downwards on, Stop leave it it's not important. But before I could answer the pilot said we're landing.

I tried to look outside the window, but Davide grabbed my chin kissing me deeply. He took something from his pocket, and I felt a cloth on my eyes. I broke the kiss, and he tied the cloth on my eyes making me blush.

"It's not what you're thinking Victoria" He laughed, and my smile fell, secondhand embarrassment is what I am feeling right now.

The helicopter landed and Davide helped me getting down not letting any guard help me.

We stepped down I couldn't understand where we're it's windy here that's all I could tell and I could feel grass beneath me, another helicopter also landed before us with other guards in it.

Davide made me walk and I chuckled when he grabbed my hips steadying my steps.

"Can you tell me where we are?" I asked when I felt hard surface beneath me.

"Getting desperate, are you?" he asked removing my blindfold, I blinked my eyes to look and my eyes widened.

A big fucking Villa in the middle of Hills, mountains. I turned and looked at the mountains and greenery all over the area. I looked at Davide who was examining my face.

"Did you buy this Villa?" I asked as I looked at our guards standing all over the Villa. He chuckled and kissed my lips again. Nowadays he kisses me so much.

Tainted PastNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ