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I was working on my laptop at my office when my phone rang, I looked at Aisha calling me. A smile made it's way on my lips as her voice came. 

"Hey babes? what's up?" she asked in a very excitement voice and I knew what is going in her mind. I shook my head and planned to tease her.

"Miss Malhotra your designs which I told you to complete and show me in a week are not here in my desk" I said to her in a fake angry voice and she was silent for a while and immediately panicked.

"I am sorry Ma'am but I have two days left to show you the designs" she said in a confused voice and I laughed at her stupidity.

"You bitch how dare you pulled this prank on me I was scared for a moment that why are you so angry" She cursed me for a while more and I asked her what's the matter for which she called me.

She forgot the reason for which she called me and after minutes of memory regain session she finally remembered.

"Yaa I wanted to ask if you are free so we can go for some shopping it's been weeks since I last shop" She said in one breath and I thought for a second about my schedule even though it was tight I can still manage. I smiled and said. 

"Sure, I will come to pick you up at 6" I said and we both talked for some time after she bid me bye and I went back to do my work.

After hours I heard a knock on the door, I told whoever was there to come in and looked at my assistant standing with a small smile. 

"Ma'am Mr. Russo had sent this for you" he said and I looked at a brown paper bag in his hand. I nodded and told him to place it on my table and he left.

I immediately took the bag and opened it revealing a pizza box. Gosh, I was craving pizza so much from morning but didn't eat it since I don't want to gain weight. 

My phone rang taking my attention and it was obviously Davide. I picked it up and placed it on speaker opening the pizza box. His deep manly voice greeted me and I smiled.

"Did you get the pizza, Victoria?" He asked as I took a slice of the pizza and said, "Yes, I got it but how did you know I wanted to eat it?" I asked taking a bite of the pizza and all the flavors burst into my mouth.

"You were debating on whether to order the pizza or not this morning sitting on the couch, and I heard you, so I ordered it" he said, and I hummed.

"Gosh this is-so -tasty, Thank- you Davide" I tried to say with pizza stuffed inside my mouth and he chuckled.

"Are you enjoying the pizza because it is tasty or because I ordered it?" he asked and my food went into the wrong pipe making me burst into coughs, I took a glass of water from the table and drink it. All this while he was laughing from the other side. 

"Stop laughing, you-" I stopped myself from cursing him, He went silent as I was devouring the pizza.

Well, I was enjoying it because it was tasty but the main reason is that he sent it and like this small gesture filled me with warmth. I never knew someone would do something like this for me.

"Well don't thank me I will take the payment back tonight by fucking you" with that he cut the call leaving me flustered and I blushed eating the pizza. 


I was waiting outside Aisha's penthouse ringing the bell and after some minutes the door opened revealing Enzo. I looked at him who smiled at me before stepping a little to make space for me. 

"Why are you here princess?" he asked as I sat on the couch, I frowned looking at him. He was also looking confused. 

"Me and Aisha both are going for shopping at 6 and where is she?" I asked for which he just went silent for a time staring at me. I snapped my fingers at him who came out of his trance and replied. 

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