1. Another typical morning

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The story starts just a month after the last one. Luke and Zack have gotten an apartment together in Zootopia. They both have jobs at the ZPD.

Zack's POV

I lay there. That's all. Just laying there, going over everything I've done in my life. Everything from eating the terrible pie Luke made for us last night, back to my father's funeral over 3 years ago, then further back to when me and Luke met nearly 10 years ago now. I never really thought about that moment too much, I just thought me and Luke were just always friends. It was the first day of secondary school and I was ecstatic about going. It was when I got out of my mum's car that I realised no-one who I'd gone to primary with had gone to my school. Unfortunately for me, my father had spent up all my school reserve money on building the machine, which I suppose I'm not angry at him for looking back on it, meaning I had to go to a weird public school. Everyone else I knew had the money to go to private schools, and from what I'm told everyone went to the same one. I remember going into the assembly welcoming us to the school and that's when I saw him. It was Luke, and he looked just as lonely as I was. I sat next to him and made conversation with him, which he replied lightly and kindly. From there, we became the best of friends and eventually found ourselves a friend group to fit into ourselves. Luke never really changed over the course of secondary school, until just after he turned 17. I remember going home one day and trying to reach him, but he didn't answer. It was a little weird I guess, but I didn't take too much notice of it. The next day, he came back with a barrage of messages saying how sorry he was and we just sort of.. brushed it under the rug after that. Thinking back on all of that, had even one part of that story never happened, god knows where we'd be now. That's when I snapped back to reality.

I was still lying, looking at the clock on my bedside table. I didn't realise Luke was starting his usual routine beside me. I turned over, minding my tail as I did so to see Luke with his back to me lying in front of me. This part of the morning was always quite fun. It was the point at which Luke had woken up and had started checking to see if I was awake. I don't know why he checked without asking, but I didn't care. He slowly turned over to face me, which is when I closed my eyes. I felt him brush his paws down my body towards my stomach, then rubbing it. He was looking for a response from me to see if I was awake, which I was, but I'd gotten so good at fooling him that he could never tell anymore whether I was sleeping or playing with him.

Then, his paws moved towards my tail. He'd never done that before. If he went just a bit further down my tail, he'd reach my most sensitive spot. Reason why that is is because when I first turned into my wolf form, the first thing I did was stomp on that particular part of my tail, which thankfully didn't do any harm to my body, but it bloody hurt. Then the inevitable happened. I suddenly burst out laughing hysterically as Luke rubbed the end of my tail. I started laughing so much that I didn't realise that I was falling out of the bed. Then I did. I landed on the floor with a BANG! and suddenly a pain shot though my butt. I lay there in a mixture of pain and laughter as Luke's face slowly emerged from the bed. He quivered a little before breathing a sigh of relief.

"Morning babe." I said casually, trying to look like the fall was meant to happen.

"You could say 'Ow!' or 'Thanks for that butt-head' you know." Luke replied. Looks like since we moved to Zootopia, he's started picking up the attitude that Nick has worked on his whole life.

"Are you taking what Nick's taking?" I asked as I got up and composed my vest.

"An unhealthy dosage of Blueberries?" He asked. "I shouldn't think so,"

I laughed a little at this.

"I'm just saying that just because I'm your devilishly handsome boyfriend you don't have to be so nice to me." He continued, going into the bathroom.

"I'm sure you'd complain if I was awful." I said, sitting by the door.

"No I wouldn't," Luke replied. Then, I heard the shower start to run. "Anyway, boot my computer would you?"

"Yes sir." I replied sarcastically, getting up and switching his computer on.

I had nothing better to do, so I watched as Luke's computer did all the crazy things a computer does before it boots into Windows. The RAM came up, then the CPU, then the energy star logo. It was all weirdly uniform, watching it all come up in a certain order every time. Not that I disliked that it did that, I just found it odd sometimes.

"Hey uh, babe?" Luke called from the bathroom.

"What do you want now?" I asked. "Your breakfast making for you?"

"No, I need some clothes." He called back.

"Get your own." I replied.

"What? I'm naked in here!" He protested.

"I'm not gonna look!" I called back. "Just quit yer whining and get yourself some clothes!"

"Fine." He said.

I turned around and listened as the door opened, then Luke's paws padded across the room towards the dresser where I heard him take some clothes out and slip them on. That's when I swivelled back around on Luke's chair to face him. His fur was all puffy from the water, making him look like a white cactus. He was wearing his ZPD uniform, which was slightly ripped near the sleeves. The reason for this is probably because he's been taking the training programmes way too seriously and his biceps have grown to the point that the sleeves are straining.

"You really need to stop working out." I commented, looking at the torn threads on his sleeves.

"I will, but not until after this quarter." He replied, taking his badge and pinning it on.

"That's what you said last quarter." I said.

"I mean it this time," He replied. "I promise I'll stop working out soon."

"Okay good," I said. "Wait, do we have work today?"

I looked at my watch. 9:03AM. If we did, we were late.

"No, I just have my uniform on for fun!" Luke replied, waving his paws in the air. "Of course we have work today!"

"Shit, we're late!"

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