31. Big Changes

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Luke's POV

I felt really weird. That's the first thing I felt since that night. I could feel Legoshi's fur enveloped around me, so he must be hugging me. I could also hear extremely loud snoring, which I also assumed belonged to Legoshi.

I opened my eyes. I was in some sort of hotel room. I couldn't move my head: I was too tired to do so.

It must be morning I thought.

Everything about my body felt extremely weird. I felt both hot and cold at the same time. I felt like some sort of large change had taken place. I tried moving my head again and managed to turn to face Legoshi, who was still fast asleep. I saw that since last night his body had returned to its normal size.

At least I know I can do that when I need someone strong to do something for me I thought, although I knew perfectly well that Legoshi would never want to do that again. When it happened, his body language gave off the impression that he was extremely embarrassed.

I tried to wriggle free of his grasp without waking him up, but it was no use. His eyes shot open as if he knew what I was doing.

"Morning Luke," He purred before having a big yawn. He turned back to me and rubbed his eyes, then his expression changed. "Jesus christ!"

He grabbed the duvet and pulled it closer to himself, covering his half-naked body.

"What's the matter?" I asked. My voice sounded funny. It sounded.. deeper.

"Who the fuck are you?" He spat.

"I'm sorry?" I stuttered.

"You're not my boyfriend! How did you get in here? Did he let you in?" He asked.

"Who? Legoshi it's me," I said, pointing to myself. "It's Luke, what's wrong?"

"You're not Luke," He growled. "Where did you put him?"

"I'm right here," I said. I had no idea what he was talking about. "Look, I can prove to you that it's me."

"Go on then, I dare you." He replied.

"You saved me from a 'devouring' three days ago. I then proceeded to kiss you that evening. The next day we went to see Gohin where you freaked out, then I did the same. Then, we went to see Louis and we found Zack before he locked us up. Need I say more?" I said.

Legoshi looked me up and down. Once, twice, thrice. Then, he came in and hugged me.

"Thank god!" He sighed with relief.

"What made you freak out?" I asked, hugging him back.

"Well, it's just.." He replied. "You might want to look for yourself."

"If you insist." I said, pulling out of the hug and sitting up. I looked down at my feet. Since last night, my shoes had disappeared and they were replaced with padded feet.

Weird I thought, turning and standing up. I walked a couple of feet towards a mirror. I was taller. I was now the exact same height as Legoshi. I kept going towards the mirror and turned.

"Woah." Was all I could say. Stood in front of me was the reflection of something I had kind of dreamed of. Stood in front of me was the tall, skinny figure of a fox. Not a Nick kind of fox, I looked more like a dingo actually. My fur was properly red, and it was so soft.

"I love it," Legoshi said from behind me. "Don't you?"

"Wow," I remarked, running my paws through my fur and then rubbing my ears. "Thank you Zack."

"You're really thanking him?" Legoshi asked.

"Yeah," I replied, smiling. "He was the one that did this to me right?"

"Mhm." Legoshi murmured.

"I think I look amazing." I commented, turning back to Legoshi. He was splayed out on the bed in front of me, moving his paw up and down a spot next to him. 

I smirked before jumping into the spot and giving him a bear hug. He wheezed a little before embracing it.

"Why'd your body shrink?" I asked.

"Wasn't consistently eating meat, so it wore off." He replied, his voice muffled by my body.

We sat there in silence for a while, hugging and caressing each other's fur. I could tell Legoshi had completely and utterly lost his marbles over me because his tail was wagging like crazy. All I could hear in that moment of silence was the rhythmic beating of both his heart and the thumping of his tail on the bed.

"I love you," He said after a moment. "These past few days have really cemented that for me." 

"I love you too," I replied, hugging him tighter. "You're perfect in every way, I wouldn't exchange anything for you."

This made Legoshi even more happy, as his tail started thumping harder and harder against the bed.

"Careful with that tail of yours," I said. "If it wags any more violently you might take off."

Legoshi did nothing but giggle at this.

"Not only do I love you," He said. "I love your sense of humour."

"Aww," I replied. "Don't mention it."

I hugged him tighter and gave him a kiss on the cheek. This was going to be a good morning.

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