44. Party

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Luke's POV

"I must say Luke," Legoshi said, putting an arm around me. "This party is amazing."

"Thanks," I said, grabbing a drink. "We worked hard on this."

"Aww," He cooed. "You didn't have to work hard for me."

"Come on," I said. "It's your nineteenth birthday, of course we had to work hard for you."

"Well, it's my twentieth next year, so you ought to work even harder then," He said. I huffed playfully, kicking his shin. "Ow!"

"Before I forget, I got something for you." I said, leading him to where I'd left the flowers.

"Something for me?" He asked. "I have you, that's all I need."

"Oh, alright then." I said sarcastically, picking up the flowers and was going to toss them.

"Wait, those are nice flowers." He said before I was going to 'throw' them.

"Oh, so I'm not all you need all of a sudden?" I asked, giving him the flowers. He took them and smelled them.

I knew that wolves had a great sense of smell. So good in fact that pretty much all smells are amplified at least a hundred times, so when he smelled these extremely pungent flowers, he almost passed out.

"Woah, the smell really.. hits you doesn't it?" He asked, trying not to to fall backwards.

"It's good though, no?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's good," He replied. "Just really strong."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoy them." I said, coming in and hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me.

We stayed like that for a moment, hugging eachother. I couldn't stop gawking over how soft his fur was and how awesome in general it was to hug him. When I saw Jack slowly approaching us, I stopped.

"Am I interrupting or...?" He began.

"No, you're fine." I said, brushing my shirt off as Legoshi turned to face Jack.

"What's up?" Legoshi asked.

"Just wanted to see how my best friend is doing." He replied.

"I'm doing alright," Legoshi said. "And you?"

"Good," Jack replied. "Although the school's getting more locked down."

"Why?" He asked.

"Riz got out of prison," Jack replied. "Until he's safely back behind bars, the school's staying under lockdown."

Uh oh I thought.

"What does it mean for you?" Legoshi asked.

"Starting tomorrow, no-one is allowed off or onto the school's premises." Jack replied.

"That sucks," I said, grabbing another drink. "I hope they find him soon."

"Yeah," Jack remarked. "I really don't want to be stuck at school all day, every day."

"Will the lockdown get worse the longer they don't find him?" Legoshi asked.

"Probably," Jack replied. "You've been there during a lockdown so you know how it goes."

"Well," I said, trying to usher him away. "Good luck with lockdown."

He eventually left, and when he did, I turned to Legoshi who was looking at me a little angrily.

"We need to get Riz back in prison," He said. "If we don't, the school will descend to chaos."

I thought about it for a moment. I didn't want the school to stay in lockdown, but I didn't want to be the one to put Riz back into prison, especially since I bought him that apartment and took him in when he needed us most.

"What if this is a fix?" I asked. Legoshi looked at me funny. "I mean, look at it. Louis and Zack band together to do whatever the fuck they're doing, and the day later Riz gets out of prison. Is that not weird?"

"I guess it's a little strange," He said. "But it could just be a coincidence."

"Oh come on, you know everything happens for a reason," I replied. "It's no coincidence that Louis and Zack have toyed with something to get Riz out of prison."

"But why would they do that?" He asked.

"I dunno," I shrugged. "You know them better than I do, figure it out."

"Zack's your ex, you figure some of it out." He sneered.

"He doesn't really have a motive to do anything, unless he just hates me now." I replied.

"Louis wouldn't really do anything either, unless something big came up with the Shishigumi that would possibly sway him." He suggested.

"I guess Zack would do that too." I replied, thinking on what I just said.

"So, what's the reason they turned?" He asked.

"I guess we could find out." I replied.

"How?" He asked.

"We could spy on them." I replied.

"Spy on them?" He asked. "Don't be silly, we couldn't possibly do that."

"Sure we could," I replied. "I've done my fair amount of spying in my time."

"Really? When?" He asked.

I remembered back to the last time I remember spying on someone. I remember it was when me and Zack were spying on the ZPD about something that I can't really remember. As I recall, I believe I was knocked out because I can't remember a lot. All I can remember is that we were crawling around in some vents, then I remember waking up at Nick's house.

"It was a long time ago," I replied. "I was spying on some people to find something, but I think I was knocked out."

"Knocked out?" He asked, trying not to laugh. "That went well then."

"It'll go better this time, I swear." I pleaded, really hoping he'd come with me to spy on them. Legoshi sighed after a while.

"But it's my birthday," He said. "Would you not rather spend the night with your boyfriend, whom is the birthday boy?"

I stammered.

"Come on, please!" I begged.

"I didn't know it was this easy to make you beg," He said, drinking the rest of whatever it was he was drinking. "If I did, I'd do it all the time."

"I promise I'll make it up to you." I said, downing the rest of my drink.

"How so?" He asked, getting another cup full of a drink.

"I-I-I-" I stuttered. I didn't know what to do. There were so many things I could do that would make him happy, but I had to think of something that seemed almost to good to be true. Then, it came to me. I could take him on a holiday somewhere and get him to meet one of the writers of a manga he likes. "I'll take you on a holiday so you can meet one of your favourite manga's writers." I blurted out.

Legoshi's eyes widened.

"A holiday? For me?" He asked, pointing to himself as he drank his drink. "You'd take me to a comic convention?"

"Yes, yes and yes." I replied quickly.

Shit I thought Now I'm actually going to have to do this.

"And you'd really do that?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied. He raced towards me and hugged me.

"This is the best birthday ever!" He cheered.

"What about spying on Zack and Louis?" I asked, hugging him also.

"Sure, sure." He reassured me.

"Okay, good."

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