3. A good telling off

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Luke's POV

It's been about a month now since we moved permanently to Zootopia. I didn't really care that we'd left our world behind completely, in fact I was quite glad. Our world was full of so much boredom and indifference that it became hard to enjoy life there. But here? Everything's different, everything's purely enjoyable, everyone who lives here is the opposite as the other world. It really makes me think one thing. Did our past look like what Zootopia looks like now? I mean, we still had the machine locked away in a storage unit so we could theoretically have a look.

I snapped back to reality when I realised Bogo was staring over his glasses at me.

"Dawson, did you hear me?" He asked.

"Yeah." I lied. He started at me harder.

"Then what did I just ask you?" He asked.

"You just asked me 'What did I just ask you?'" I smirked. I saw out of the corner of my eye Nick winking at me.

"Don't play games with me Dawson, answer the question." Bogo barked.

"You asked me.. uh... you said.. umm.." I stammered. I looked over at Zack, who was mouthing the answer to me.

"Why were you late?" He mouthed to me.

"Uhh you asked me why I was late.. yes, that's it!" I replied. Bogo grumbled for a minute before taking his glasses off.

"Yes, why were you late today then?" He asked.

"Alarm didn't go off." I lied.

"Again? Or are you just using the exact same excuse as last week?" Bogo asked.

"Well, no but-" I began.

"Don't make it any worse than it already is, just tell the truth." Bogo interrupted.

"Fine," I said. "I thought we didn't have work today."

"There it is," Bogo cheered. "Now, let's get to your punishment."

"P-punishment?" Me and Zack said in unison.

"Since you've been late let's see... three times this month, we have no option but to suspend you from the force for the next week." Bogo announced.

"The next week?" I asked.

"Is that not what I said?" Bogo asked.

"Yes it is, but you can't do that." Zack protested.

"I can too." Bogo bellowed, showing us a piece of paper with our contract on it. He pointed to a point of it that stated that he could indeed suspend us from the force for being late.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"I don't care what you do, as long as you aren't here until next Tuesday," Bogo hissed. "Dismissed."

We both got up solemnly and trudged out of the room. Nick stayed in the room as he was probably going to receive an even worse punishment than us.


We were back at our apartment, literally doing nothing. Zack had a tennis ball and was throwing it against the window in the living room. I was scrolling through some old forum on my computer, looking at people ranting about random things like when the city would reopen the natural history museum.

I turned to Zack. After a moment, he realised I was looking at him so he caught his tennis ball and set it down on the table.

"I wish we weren't late today." I said, turning back to my computer.

Zootopia: Worlds ApartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora