22. All the help I can get

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Luke's POV

It was later in the day. So much later in fact that the sun was starting to go down. I'd been following Legoshi around all day like a lost puppy, going into pretty much all of his lessons and having to lie to every single professor that I met.

We'd just finished the last lesson for the day and Legoshi was visibly starting to get tired.

"Hey," I said. "I thought wolves were nocturnal."

"They are, but this one's done too much to be today." He replied, pointing to himself.

"What do you actually do in the evening? Go straight to bed?" I asked.

"Occasionally," He replied. "Most of the time though I stay up with my dorm and watch a movie or do some stargazing or something."

"Cool." I said as we approached the end of the corridor. Suddenly, someone jumped out in front of us. It was another wolf, but instead this one was a female.

"Hi Legoshi!" She said gleefully.

"Juno, hi." Legoshi said.

"Who's this?" Juno asked.

"It's my new friend, Luke." He replied. Juno looked at me for a moment, narrowing her eyes for a moment, before returning his gaze to Legoshi's lean figure.

"Mind if I talk to him for a moment?" She asked.

"Umm.." Legoshi stuttered. "Fine."

He walked around the corner and went into a random classroom.

"So," She said. "You been friends with him for long?"

"A couple of days." I replied.

"Really?" She asked in intrigue. "That's weird considering you've stolen him from me."

"Stolen him?" I asked, extremely confused.

"You need to get your grubby little paws off him," She spat. I took a step back. "He's mine and only mine."

"I don't think so," I said. "He doesn't like you like that. He told me."

Juno scoffed.

"Uhh.. yeah he's does," She replied in that annoying tone the popular girls at school used to speak in. "Clearly you're barking up the wrong tree, because he totally digs me."

"Okay, do you expect me to care?" I asked. Juno raised a paw and slapped me with it. "Ow."

"Don't you know that's no way to speak to a lady!" She hissed, storming off. I rubbed the side of my face that she slapped before Legoshi returned to my side.

"What happened?" He asked.

"That Juno kid's a total weirdo." I replied.

"Yep, that doesn't surprise me." He said.

"Who even is she?" I asked.

"She's a 'friend' of mine from the drama club." He replied.

"You don't have to stoop that low for friends y'know." I said. Legoshi giggled for a moment.

"No, I suppose not." He said as we continued towards the dorms.


We got to the dorm. Since my last visit, my name had been added to the board of names for that room.

"Oh hey," Legoshi said. "You've been officially registered here."

"You mean, I'm a part of this school now?" I asked. Legoshi simply murmured in agreement.

Zootopia: Worlds ApartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora