34. Freedom!

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Luke's POV

"Do you have a car?" I asked as me and Legoshi approached the subway station.

"Nope." He replied, starting to go down the steps into the station.

"Well, you'll need to get one at some point," I said. "We can't take the subway everywhere."

"I don't have a job or anything," He replied. "I couldn't possibly afford one."

"Then get a job." I said.

"Where?" He asked.

"I don't care where," I replied. "Just as long as you get some income and you're happy."

Legoshi thought for a moment.

"I suppose I could get a job at Gohin's place." He thought aloud.

"Are you sure he'll pay you for working with him?" I asked.

"I mean, he's been looking for someone to work with for a while now, so I'd assume he will." He replied.

"Well there you go then." I said, following him onto a train.


After a while, we'd arrived in a small town outside of the city. Legoshi got up and stretched, his tail contorting itself in lots of strange ways.

I got up too and got off the train.

"Now where to?" I asked.

"Our new home." Legoshi replied, making his way up the steps and out of the station.

I chased after him as we slowly came to ground level. It was kind of a magical thing raising from the subway into our new hometown. The sun shone over the horizon as we ascended the stairs. The light dowsed the entire town with its majestic warmth as we looked around at all the sights to see. My already red fur became ever redder as the light covered it, making me look like I belonged there. I felt my fur; It was getting warm.

Legoshi was looking around too, admiring the beauty of everything around him. He adjusted his green-ish hoodie before making his way down the street. I followed him (Barely) towards a bus, which we got on.

We sat down and after a moment, the bus was off. We both sat in silence for a moment before I decided to break the silence.

"So," I said. "What's this house like?"

"Well," Legoshi replied. "I haven't been to it since I was about twelve years old, but from what I remember it's a nice two story building that overlooks the town and by extension the city."

"I can't wait to see this place." I said as the bus continued on its merry journey around the town.


The bus stopped outside a small housing estate. Me and Legoshi both got off the bus and looked at it.

'Musashino Avenue' it read.

This place looks nice I thought, making my way down the street. 

I followed Legoshi yet again until we eventually reached a house with a tall wolf, just like Legoshi, stood outside of it.

"Legoshi!" He cheered, racing towards him and giving him a hug. "I've missed you so much son!"

"Hi dad." He muttered, hugging him back.

That's his dad?! I thought.

"How's school been these past few years?" He asked, pulling out of the hug.

"It's been pretty good actually," He replied. "Did you get my letters?"

"Of course I did!" He assured him. "Oh and also, sorry about your friend Tem. I meant to say something back when it happened but I was extremely busy in an acting gig at the time."

"It's okay, really," He replied. "How've you been coping?"

"Same old, same old," He replied. "Who's this?"

He pointed to me. I smiled gently at him.

"I'm Luke," I replied, holding out my paw. "I'm his boyfriend, and you are?"

"Miyagi," He replied, taking my paw and shaking it. "Y'know son, I never thought you'd get a boyfriend."

"Surprise..!" Legoshi said, waving his paws in the air.

"Well," Miyagi said after a short pause. "The house is all yours. I hope you boys enjoy it."

He took a group of keys out of his pocket and dropped them into Legoshi's paw before patting him on the shoulder, getting into his car and driving off.

"So this is it?" I asked.

"Yeah," He replied. "Man, I have so many memories of growing up in this place."

"Like what?" I asked. He tapped his forehead with one of his claws.

"It's all safe in here," He said. "And that's where it's all staying."

I shrugged it off as we both made our way towards the house. Legoshi held up one of the keys, inspected it and then eventually put it in the lock. He turned the key and the door popped open.

Beyond the door was a massively open space that was our new home. I let Legoshi in first. I mean, it did used to be his mother's house after all so it would only be polite to let him see it first.

After allowing Legoshi to look around for a while, I came into the house. It was a beautiful place. There was a massive window that looked out on the town in front of us with a balcony attached to it. Next to said window was a large living room setup with a sofa bigger than anything I could ever imagine and a TV on the wall in front of it. As I made my way around the rest of the house, I got to see the wonderful sight of the kitchen. It looked like it was from the future, with tons of gadgets and gizmos that I couldn't even begin to understand. Eventually, I finished looking around the kitchen and other rooms that were less interesting and decided to go upstairs. I ascended the staircase, which had a frosted glass banister, until I got to the top.

From the top of the stairs, I turned and looked at the bedrooms. The first room was completely empty.

Understandable considering they took most of the stuff out of here I thought. 

I went along to the next room. I opened the door and was greeted with a single bed with no bedding whatsoever on it. I shrugged it off and went to the next door. Bizarrely, it had a hole in it.

"Hey, uh, Legoshi?" I called to him.

"What?" He shouted back.

"Why's this door got a hole in it?" I called back to him.

"A hole?" He called.

"Yeah," I replied. "A massive, gaping hole."

"Hold on!" He shouted. "Don't go in there, okay?"

"Alright!" I called. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs as I saw Legoshi appear. I pointed to the hole. "I found it like this."

"Yeah, I know. It's been there for ages." He said quickly, ushering me away from the door.

"What happened to it?" I asked as he lead me back downstairs.

"Doesn't matter," He replied hastily.

He lead me into the living room and switched the TV on.

"You find a film, I'll be there in a sec."

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