12. Like a Prison

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Luke's POV

The man stood there for a moment, shining his light at us. It seemed like he didn't know what to do with us for a moment, before he picked up his radio and contacted someone.

"There's two kids down in the service tunnels," He said. "Trespassers."

The radio was silent for a moment. Then, something came in.

"Copy, send them down to the security office." The voice on the other end replied. The man turned off his flashlight and grabbed us before taking us somewhere unknown.


We were now sat in the security office. I was sat on a horrible plastic chair that kept digging into my skin like a Surgeon with a scalpel.

I saw that Scott was uncomfortable too on his chair, as he kept squirming around every few minutes like something bothered him. 

Then, I saw a guard come into the room.

"We've been reviewing security footage," He said. "We've seen that you've been here for the past two days. Is that correct?"

"Only because you won't let us out." Scott muttered.

"We will, but we need to find your parents." He replied.

"But if they aren't here you'll just keep us here, so we're going to be here forever." I said.

"Don't be silly boy," The guard spat. "They won't leave without you."

"What if we never arrived with them?" Scott asked.

"You couldn't come here alone if your life depended on it." The man replied.

"You wanna bet on that?" Scott asked. The man's stern expression scrunched into one that was more angry and impatient than before.

"Don't test my patience Scott." He replied.

"You know his name?" I asked. The man looked at me.

"Everyone in this wretched place knows his name," He replied. "Say, we've never seen you before. What's yours?"

"What if I don't tell you?" I asked.

"Then we'll request OCPD to get it for us." He replied.

"Good luck with that." I laughed.

"If they find out that you don't exist, they'll send you there." Scott said.

"I'd listen to 'im," The guard said. "Now, tell us yer name."

"Luke." I replied.

"Luke what?" He asked.

"Luke Dawson." I replied.

"That's better." The man said, writing on a sheet of paper, before walking out of the room and shutting the door.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We just need to wait a while," Scott replied. "Don't worry, they'll let us go."

"What if they don't?" I asked.

"They don't have a reason to keep us here. Now that we've told them that we came here alone, they should let us out of the park for good." He replied.

"Then what?" I asked.

"We can go where we want." He replied.

"I need to find my machine though." I said.

"Right," He replied as if he'd forgotten. "We'll ask when the security guy comes back."

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