28. Found you

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Luke's POV

"I recognise you," Louis said, sitting opposite me. "Yes, that's it! You were at the drama club the other day."

"Mhm." I said.

"Why so quiet?" He asked. "You scared because the tables have turned?"

I shrugged. Louis looked at me deeply. I could see he was devising something, but I dreaded what. Then, he signalled the lions something.

"Leave us be," He said. "I want to talk to these two.. alone."

"Yes boss." One lion said, before the group made their way out of the room.

"Are you scared because of them?" Louis asked, cocking his head towards the door that the lions had exited through.

"Sort of." I muttered.

"What did they do?" He asked. "When you were being taken here, I mean."

"They threatened to kill Legoshi," I replied. "I've been terrified to do anything since I've been here."

"Ugh," Louis groaned. "You're exactly like he is. 'I want to care for everyone' this and 'I won't hurt anyone' that. It's a ridiculous act, and I don't want two portions of it."

"Well get used to it, because there are two portions of it and you're not getting any less," I shot back almost immediately. Louis expression changed to fury. "Sorry! really, it's not me doing that. It's my EBCDEDC or something like that."

Louis immediately leaned back in his chair.

"You have EBDCD?" He asked, curious.

I clicked my fingers and pointed at him.

"That's the one." I said.

"Really?" Louis asked, completely intrigued.

"That's what doctor Gohin said." I replied.

"Who's the other party? Do you know?" He asked. I pointed at Legoshi. "Heh, go figure."

"I can't control it," I said. "Just don't poke fun out of Legoshi and it'll be okay."

"Imagine what I could do with the potential aggression you have," He wondered. "I could use you as a major part of our organisation."

"I can't do that," I replied. "You haven't seen how bad it is, I could seriously hurt somebody!"

"Not if it was controlled," Louis said. "I've done some research into it and it says that your species is very emotionally unstable, which is what I don't want."

"So you can't use me?" I asked. Louis shrugged.

"No," He replied. "Not as a human."

Not as a human? What could that possibly mean? I mean, it's not like he can just turn me into an animal.. can he?

"What are you suggesting?" I asked.

"As a human, your condition is highly undesirable to us. If we could somehow... change you, then we could make you a species with better control over the condition." He replied.

"Whatever you want to do with me, I'm not doing it," I said. "You're a criminal, a mafia boss. I can't trust you with whatever shenanigans you want to carry out."

"Oh Luke," He said. "Let me assure you that you can trust me."

"No." I said. 

"Very well then," He sighed, pulling out a handgun. "We'll do this the hard way."

He pointed the gun towards Legoshi and loaded it.

"You'll do this for us, or your boyfriend gets it." He said, putting a finger on the trigger.

I had so many questions. How did he know my name? How did he know me and Legoshi had something between us?

"You think you can scare me into doing whatever you want just because you're threatening to kill my lover," I said. "You know that if you kill him, you'll sever the Ethereal bond between us, thus curing my condition."

Louis growled, before chucking the gun on the floor.

"What about that Zack kid?" He asked. 

He knew about Zack too?! This guy must have a lot of contacts.

"What about him?" I asked.

"he came here with you, right?" He asked. I nodded. "And he ran off?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Luckily for you, I know exactly where he is," Louis said, picking at his fingernails. "I can go and get him if you want."

"He's here?!" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Of course he is," Louis replied. "He's been helping me these past few days."

"Helping you?!" I asked. 

"Yeah," He replied. "He's been giving me some... emotional support."

No I thought. There's no way Zack's doing what I think he's doing.

"Zack!" Louis yelled, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" A muffled voice yelled back.

"Come here, I want to show you something!" Louis yelled.

I heard footsteps running up towards the door. I turned my face away from the door and shut my eyes. Zack couldn't see me, not now. Not after everything me and Legoshi did. I heard the door open and footsteps come closer.

"Who's that?" Zack's unmistakeable voice asked.

"Aww," Louis said. "Looks like he's gotten shy."

"Isn't that that wolf guy you've been looking for?" Zack asked.

"Mhm," Louis said. "His boyfriend too."

I slowly turned myself around to face Zack. I opened my eyes. There he was, standing right in front of me. He gasped and stood back.

"Luke..." He said under his breath.

"You abandoned me." I spat.

"Yeah, I abandoned you," He replied. "And I'm glad I did, otherwise I wouldn't have found my true love."

He moved towards Louis, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Louis looked at me with a wicked grin.

"Neither would I if you hadn't left." I shot back, moving towards Legoshi and doing the same.

"What should we do with him?" Louis asked, turning to Zack. Zack looked at me, then at Legoshi. He whispered in Louis's ear. "Sounds good."

he pressed a button on the desk and quick as a flash a group of lions appeared.

"What is it boss?" One lion asked.

"Take these two to the cell block." Louis replied. 

The lions advanced on me and Legoshi and grabbed us by the arms. Then, the took us out of the room and down a dark and eerie corridor until we came to a cell. The lions threw us inside before closing the cell door.

"Well," I muttered. "Now I'm stuck here."

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