21. Where are you?

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Luke's POV

"Where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know, he was right here this morning." Legoshi replied.

"Maybe he got scared and ran away?" A different dog suggested.

"Why would he do that?" I asked.

"Because he was scared?" The dog said as if I didn't know.

"I know he might've been scared, but why run away? Why not wait and see if I came back?" I asked.

"Don't ask me," The first dog replied. "He's your friend, not ours."

"I don't know why he would do this," I said. "It just doesn't make sense; It's nothing like him to do something like that."

"Well," Legoshi huffed. "The best we can do is report a missing person to the Concierge."

"What will she care?" The first dog asked. "She only cares when registered students go missing."

"B-but they are registered," Legoshi replied. "Aren't you?"

I looked at him, frozen.

"Well," I began slowly. "Not exactly."

"You're not registered at this school?" He asked.

"No, I lied to you earlier." I replied.

"Why?" He asked.

"I dunno," I replied. "If I told you the truth, I thought you'd drag me out of there by the ear."

"Well I'm sorry I scared you," He said. "I don't care if you go to this school or not, you're not leaving my sight until you're okay and we find your friend."

"Why are you getting so protective over him?" The second dog asked.

"Uhh.." Legoshi stuttered.

"Every time someone asks you something about me you go 'Uhh' like you weren't expecting it. Why?" I asked. I could see sweat beginning to roll down Legoshi's face. "Is there something that we don't know?"

"No!" He protested. "I mean, no there's not. I mean, of course there isn't! You're crazy to think that!"

"You're acting really weird," A hyena said. "That's really out of the ordinary for you. Why's that?"

"I'm not acting weird, you're acting weird!" He yelled, standing up and advancing on us.

"Are you getting defensive because you have the feels for this guy?" The first dog asked. Laughter broke out in the dorm room as Legoshi's fur stood on end. I could see that he was starting to hyperventilate, so I decided to intervene before he went into a panic attack or something.

"Guys!" I yelled, silencing the laughter. "Can't you see he's nervous? Let the poor guy have some breathing room, jeez."

I went towards Legoshi and took him out of the room to allow him to calm down. As we left we heard a loud "Ooooh." from behind us.

"Don't listen to them." I hissed, letting him out of the room. As soon as the door shut, Legoshi reached his breaking point.

"I'm so sorry!" He yelped, coming in and hugging me tightly. "I should've told you sooner! I'm stupid to have hidden it for this long! You can hate me all you want, I really am just a freak!"

"Relax," I said, wrapping my arms around him also. "You're not a freak; It's perfectly normal to have moments like this."

"You're.. surprisingly calm about this," He replied. "I thought you'd be driven up the wall by it."

"Of course I'm calm about it," I said. "It's because I understand. I've had to deal with having a crush for ages before I actually told him I liked him."

"Him?" Legoshi asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I knew you'd understand." He said, gripping me tighter.

"Okay I know you're all down and that, but you are digging your claws into my back." I smirked.

"Sorry." He said, coming out of the hug.

"Do you want to go back in with those guys?" I asked.

"Yeah I think so." He replied.

We both made our way back into the dorm and saw that everyone was eagerly awaiting our return.

"So, what's the verdict?" The dog asked.

"We decided that you should all keep your immature little comments to yourselves and grow up a little," I spat. "Also, stop being so nosy about other people's feelings; It's none of your business so stick to your own path."

There it was again. I was losing control of myself again. I tried to stop it, but it didn't work.

"But we always talk about our crushes with one another." A Hyena protested.

"That doesn't mean he has to as well," I said. "Stop bothering him for god's sake; Go back to your burrow and learn to respect other people."

The look of the entire dorm changed from immature and silly to scared all of a sudden. The group slowly got up from their places on the floor and made their way out. I stared at them as they did this.

"How do you do it?" Legoshi asked.

"Do what?" I asked.

"That." He replied, pointing to the door.

"It's not me," I said. "It's this dormant instinct thing that I was talking about earlier. It's like whenever someone toys with you, it just comes out. I can't control it."

"Hmm," Legoshi pondered. "I know what we can do tomorrow."

"What?" I asked.

"I know somebody," He replied. "He's dealt with people who's instincts are out of control before, including me. He should be able to help you."

"What actually happened with yours?" I asked. Legoshi looked away.

"I told you, I don't want to talk about it." He replied.

"Is it embarrassing? I promise I won't judge." I said.

"No, I just don't want to talk about it. Not until I talk to the other person involved." He replied.

"Oh, so there's someone else involved is there? Well, maybe I should ask them instead." I said.

I saw Legoshi visibly starting to get angry.

"Don't let those out of control instincts of yours trigger mine," He snarled. "If you do, you'll be sorry."

"I'm not trying to make you angry, I'm just curious here." I laughed.

"Curiosity killed the cat, you should know that." He replied.

That was what made the sudden urge to find out about this mysterious story vanish.

"Sorry," I said. "When can I see this 'somebody'?"


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