20. What what what?

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Luke's POV

What had I just done? I'd just completely shut Louis down. I lost control in that moment. It felt like some sort of instinct within that had laid dormant for a long time had just suddenly broken free and taken total control over me. I thought of apologising, but that would probably upset the wolf. I mean, he took me in when I was injured for god's sake, and I'm repaying him by telling one of his mortal enemies that I didn't mean what I'd said?

I didn't even know why I left that room; I suppose it was some sort of dramatic exit. I had to go back. I turned on my heel and just as I was about to go back in, I saw that the wolf had followed me out.

"Uh.." He stammered. "Hello."

"Hi," I said. "I was just coming back to talk to you."

"About what?" He asked, coming closer to me before sitting down on a nearby bench.

"I don't know what I did back there," I replied, sitting next to him. "I think my instincts just sort of.. took over."

"Don't worry about it," The wolf said, rubbing the side of his neck. "It happens to the best of us, including yours truly."

"Really? When?" I asked.

"Well I.." He began. "It's rather awkward, I'd rather not talk about it."

"Alright then." I said.

We sat in silence for a moment. I didn't really know what to say to the guy to be honest. Then, I heard something. It sounded like something rumbling.

"Sorry..!" The wolf stuttered. "I haven't eaten anything all day, I'm really hungry."

"Me too," I said, spurring the moment. "Lead the way."

"Uhh.. okay.." The wolf jittered. I could clearly tell he was nervous, despite his confusing body language.

We made our way to the canteen mostly in silence. When we got there, we grabbed something to eat and sat down.

"I want to ask you something." I said suddenly.

"What?" He purred.

"Why are you so nervous?" I asked.

"You think I'm nervous?" He asked.

"I'm the one asking the question here." I said.

"Right, sorry," He replied, his vision shooting away from mine. "It's just.. I've never seen a species like yours before. I don't know if you're above or below me, so I don't know how to act."

"That's all?" I asked. He nodded slowly. "Well I can assure you that I'm not above you. Actually, I don't know where I fit here. Just chill out a little dude, I'm not out to hurt you or anything."

"Okay." He replied gleefully. It was like I'd flipped a switch in him. I took a bite out of my sandwich. I watched as he slowly picked up his sandwich, examining it very carefully. Then, he brought it close to his nose before gently sniffing it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Being nosy." He replied.

"How is that being nosy?" I asked.

"I can figure out who made this from the scent." He replied, smirking a little.

"Okay, who's is that?" I asked.

"It's Legom's. She sits next to me in my World Studies class." He replied, before taking a massive bite out of the carefully constructed sandwich.

"I know, I was in it today." I said, eating more of my lunch.

"Really?" He asked, looking at me funny.

"Yeah, I was next to her," I replied. "She thinks you're weird."

"Oh everyone thinks I'm weird," He said. "I don't really talk to anyone so everyone thinks I'm a freak."

"I don't think you're a freak." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, it doesn't bother me." He replied.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, gripping his shoulder. He looked at me, confused. "You can talk to me you know."

"I'm pretty sure I know my own feelings," He replied. "Why do you care so much anyway?"

"It's in my nature I guess." I replied, taking my hand away.

"Did we.. ever introduce ourselves?" He asked.

"I don't think so," I replied, holding out my hand. "I'm Luke."

"Legoshi." He said, taking my hand and shaking it.

"Nice name." I said, retracting my hand after shaking his and returning to my lunch.

"Thanks." He replied, taking a cup of what I assumed was coffee.

"Where'd you find me?" I asked.

"Pardon?" He asked.

"Where'd you find me?" I repeated.

"I was going back to my dorm after doing some stuff for the drama club," He replied. "I found you next to your friend unconscious and bleeding a hell of a lot. I'm assuming it was some kind of attempted devouring; You're lucky to have survived."

"D-devouring?" I stammered.

"Yeah, they happen a lot 'round here." He replied, finishing his coffee.

"Wow, slow down on the caffeine," I commented. "You don't want to be too energetic."

Legoshi looked at me for a moment, then at his cup. He clenched the cup with his paw, crushing it beyond repair in the process.

"I've had loads of this stuff before," He said. "It doesn't affect me."

Then, we heard a noise. It sounded like the Westminster chime.

"Well, that's lunch over," Legoshi muttered. "Time to go to our dorms."

"Why?" I asked.

"Free period." He replied, getting up and putting his leftovers in the bin.

"Oh same." I lied, following him.


"So you just found this guy unconscious near the drama warehouse?" A dog asked.

"Yeah," Legoshi replied. "I found another one too. Say, has he woken up yet?"

He got up and went towards the bed that Zack was in. He flung back the curtains and we all gasped.

Zack wasn't there.

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