23. The doctor will see you now

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Luke's POV

Last night was awesome. After the kiss, me and Legoshi just talked about eachother for ages. I learned about this pet Beetle he used to have that supposedly died at some point that he refuses to tell me about. He told me about how when it died he felt something change inside him and that he felt stronger as a person. I told him about everything that's happened to me over the past ten years. Everything from secondary school and meeting Zack to Zootopia and everything that went with that. I told him about the time machine, Vox, Lambert, Nick, Judy, the ZIA facility, everything. He was so invested in the entire story that when I finished, he was disappointed.

I must've been the first to wake up because when I did I felt the familiar feeling of Legoshi's fur on my chest, I also smelt his familiar aroma and could feel his tail wagging gently at my feet. I slowly pried him off of my body before sitting up in the bed. The 'Gentle' manoeuvre clearly didn't go to plan because I heard him stirring beside me not long after.

"Ugh," He groaned, clasping his paws around his ears. "Was I drinking last night?"

"No, you were making out with me." I replied.

"Oh yeah." He said as if he'd completely forgotten.

"How could you forget?" I asked. He groaned from beside me.

Probably best to let him wake up on his own I thought, getting up.

When I got out into the dorm, I saw that Jack was kneeling by the TV watching some morning show.

"Morning Luke!" He said as cheerfully as ever.

"Morning." I replied, sitting in the window seat and looking down on the school below.

"How was it last night?" He asked.

"How was what?" I asked, opening a window a little to allow some fresh air into the room.

"Between you and Legoshi?" He asked.

"How do you know about that?" I asked, shocked.

"I'm above his bed so I heard pretty much everything," He replied. I looked at him with a mixture of anger, shock and embarrassment. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about it."

"I should hope not." I growled. 

There it was again. This sudden aggression that refuses to back down. I had to see this person that Legoshi talked about yesterday, and fast.


Today was a Saturday, so thankfully school wasn't running. Sure, it was a boarding school but nothing happened on weekends.

Me and Legoshi decided to head to this person he was talking about, which was just outside of the school. 

I was sat on the subway, or whatever they call it here, next to Legoshi. He wore a pair of jeans, some white trainers and a red jumper. I loved the outfit.

"So, about this guy," I said suddenly. "What's he like? Is he a doctor or something?"

"Well," Legoshi began. "He's a doctor that studies Psychosomatic medicine, so like vulnerabilities and the cause and effect of illness."

"And he'll be able to help me control this instinct?" I asked.

"Should do." He replied.

"Did he help you with your problem?" I asked.

"Well I kind of told him I didn't need help and walked out, so no." He replied.

Strange I thought as the subway came to a stop.

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