7. Exploration

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Luke's POV

My eyes flicked open. It was early-ish in the morning. If I had to take a guess it was maybe 8AM, possibly a little earlier. I turned over to see that Scott was still asleep. He was snoring quite a bit, so I decided to turn over to my other side. When I was in Zootopia, Zack snored quite a lot so I was used to it. I decided that because Scott wasn't up I could look around at some stuff, so I got up and started to wander around in the small area that Scott claimed as his own. In the corner was a very slipshod attempt at connecting a microwave to an outlet that was worn and hanging out of its wall mount. I was scared to use it as I was afraid it would all burst into flames. I looked around at another section that had what looked like an ancient laptop on top of a cardboard box. I questioned why Scott thought it was a good idea to have everything out in the open when it could rain at literally any point. That's when I realised that we weren't completely unsheltered. What he'd done was get some sort of transparent tarp and sling it over where we were staying, creating some sort of secure home. I contemplated leaving the base to have a better look around the park as a whole, so I did just that.

I crept past Scott, who was still fast asleep as I opened the gate, closed it whilst not trying to make a noise, then tiptoed down the path and out towards the front of Horizons.

There was no-one around. I mean, why would there be someone about at this hour? The park was closed for god's sake and security had probably gone home by now. I decided not to go too far just in case, so I decided to go in the Wonders of Life next door. 

It looked familiar to me as I approached the strange-looking building. Yes! That was it! It was the building I was behind when I arrived. Now all I had to do was find the attraction that I got behind before I was knocked out. It would be pretty simple. All I had to do was find a small attraction that had some form of projection system and a crane arm painted blue. This would most likely be easier said than done because Disney used a very strict colour palette when it came to rides and they also used a lot of similar visual effects and illusions.

I slid over the turnstile that let you into the Pavilion and went through the automatic doors. Everything was so well decorated, it could've passed as an art exhibit. I went over to a table-like thing that was in front of me that seemed to have the building directory on it. It was in a circular structure, just like the building itself, with the names of all the attractions on it. I read some of them.

"Anacomical Players, Frontiers of Medicine, Wonder Cycles," I muttered to myself. "All that stuff sounds boring."

I kept looking through the directory until I saw something of interest.

"Body Wars." I said. I looked up and there it was. A massive piece of signage towered over a small queueing area.

There's no way that's the attraction I was in I thought. 

I began re-evaluating my choices, looking around the rest of the Pavilion for any sign of a smaller attraction. Then, I saw something. Tucked away right at the back of the building was a sign that was flashing that displayed the text 'Special Engagement' emblazoned on a retro-looking cinema sign. 

I made my way towards it, dodging cleaning carts and other weirdly placed objects until I reached the face of the attraction. I saw near the entrance there was a sign flashing saying 'Next Show: 00:00'

They play this thing when the park's closed? I thought.

I went through the entryway and followed a corridor that was interestingly decorated with red and blue stipes. I also saw multiple posters on the wall saying 'I need you!' with a military man looking directly at me whilst pointing in my direction. Then I think I heard something.

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