27. The Shishigumi

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Luke's POV

Me and Legoshi were now back at the black market. We were going down the alleyway that contained it, looking at everything on sale and such.

At one stall, there were fresh meats. At another, there were plants, herbs, spices and other wonderful things. I could see Legoshi beside me. His eyes were flitting around the environment as if he was having some sort of sensory overload. I mean, wolves have a great sense of smell so it would make sense that he couldn't decide what to lock onto. I could also see him start to panic.

"Are you alright?" I asked, stopping.

"I'm trying to concentrate, don't distract me." He replied, continuing to walk.

"Why?" I asked. "What is there to be distracted by?"

Legoshi simply pointed at all the stands selling meat.

"If I take one bite out of any of this, I'll go nuts so please let me focus." He replied.

"How so?" I asked.

"Not talking to me might help." He replied, still walking. I caught up to him.

"No, not that. How could you go nuts?" I asked.

"I'm a carnivore," He replied. "And carnivores love eating meat. I've managed to supress my urge to eat meat, but if you keep talking to me then I might give in to the instinct. After that, you'd better run because when I say I'll have zero control over myself, I mean it."

Right I thought. Don't distract Legoshi.

We continued down the alleyway. I was starting to get hungry myself, so when Legoshi went to see Gohin for some reason, I slipped off to one of the stalls.

"Hello," A lion said. "What can I get for you?"

"What is there?" I asked. The lion pulled out a sheet of paper.

"We've got beef, mutton, steak, the usual." He replied.

"I'll have a steak." I said.

"Cooked or raw?" He asked.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Of course I want it cooked, I'd get food poisoning otherwise." I replied.

"Food poisoning? No, no, no. You see, carnivores don't get food poisoning from raw steak." He replied.

"Well I'm not a carnivore." I said.

"Then what are you?" He asked. "A herbivore? Hahaha."

"No," I replied. "I'm an Omnivore."

"An omnivore, eh?" He asked, intrigued. "I didn't think those were still around. Not since the meteor storm that made them all extinct a couple hundred thousand years ago."

"Well, here I am," I said. "Just cook the steak and give it to me already."

"Hold on a second," He said. "There's no rush dude, let's see what omnivores are like."

"What?" I asked.

"Follow me." He replied. I didn't want to at all; This guy was a complete stranger, and I didn't know what he was going to do.

"What if I don't?" I challenged.

"Look kid, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. It's your decision." He replied. Then, I saw Legoshi out of the corner of my eye.

"Luke!" He yelled, making his way over to me. I made a massive mistake and looked over at him.

"Oh, that's your friend?" The lion asked.

"No." I lied, looking away.

"I didn't know we would get two birds with one stone today." He said. When I looked back at him, I saw that there were at least 3 other lions that had appeared. I gasped and stepped back.

"Luke, get away from there! That's the Shishi-" Legoshi yelled, before his voice got cut off. I looked over at Legoshi to see that he had been knocked out by another lion that had appeared.

"Now 'Luke'," One of the lions said, approaching me. "Come with us and your little wolf-friend over there won't get hurt, m'kay?"

"Let him go, then I'll come with you." I bartered.

"Miguel, get the gun." The lion said, turning to a lion next to him.

"No, wait wait!" I yelled. "I'll come with you."

"Good boy." The lion purred, grabbing me by the arm and taking me further into the alleyway. I looked behind me to see that Legoshi was being taken too, so that gave me some sort of relief.

After a while, we came to 2 black cars. I was put in the front car with 2 lions in the back with me and 1 in the front. In the other car was another 2 lions guarding Legoshi and another one in the front.


I can't really remember much about the drive to wherever we were going, but there was one thing that stuck out to me. We were going quite far out of town, which made me ask myself one question. How was I going to get back?

Then, the car screeched to a stop. I turned to my side and looked out of the tinted glass window. We were now in front of a massive mansion-like building. One lion got out of the car and the lead me out before the one on the other side of me got out behind me. If I took even one step out of this protective area, they'd shoot Legoshi for certain. I was petrified that I was going to go the wrong way, but fortunately for me I was being lead to wherever we were going.


Now, I'm in a room near Legoshi, whom was still unconscious. In between me and Legoshi was a lion, along with a lion on both mine and his other side.

Then, a lion entered and came over to where we were sitting.

"The boss will be here shortly." He said.

"L-louis is coming here?" I stammered.

"How do you know the boss's name?" One lion asked sternly.

"Uhh... I uhh..." I stuttered.

"Spit it out kid!" He spat, making me jump.

"He told me!" I replied hastily, pointing towards Legoshi.

"Did he now?" The lion next to him hissed. "We'll make sure that doesn't happen again."

"Please, I followed your orders!" I begged. "You promised you wouldn't hurt him if I did!"

The lion growled.

"Fine." He said through gritted teeth.

That's when I heard footsteps near the door. Then, a shadow appeared under the door. Then, the door opened and there he was: Louis, leader of the Shishigumi.

"Well, well, well," He said, slowly making his way into the room. "Who do we have here?"

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