8. Pure & Simple

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Scott's POV

If anything, I was most afraid of this guy getting caught by security. Michael had gotten caught many times before, but he wasn't really the best person I've known. He took far too many risks, he was reckless when it came to certain things. I remember once he tried to disrupt the filming of the Epcot Documentary in '91, which obviously pissed off the staff and the crew a heck of a lot. Every time they asked me if I knew him, I denied it like my life depended on it.

This new guy though, he's nice. He listens to me and he seemed to be scared of some of the stuff I told him. I'm not sure for certain, but I think he might have Automatonophobia. With the way he acted when we went into the Cranium Command theatre, it gave off that kind of energy. Poor guy, I didn't mean to scare him or anything. Besides, he insisted I took him in there so it's not my fault. I should probably take him to go and see it at some point, it is a good attraction.

Back to him though, he looks like the kind of guy who would be scared of quite a lot. I'm not saying it in a mean way, it just looks that way via the way he acts.

"Sorry if I scared you earlier." I said suddenly as we approached the Pure & Simple food stall.

"Scared me?" He asked. "You didn't scare me."

"You ran off after that thing you had in your pocket hit the ground." I replied.

"Well I-" He stuttered. "Okay fine, I was kinda scared."

"What is that thing?" I asked as he took a weird rectangular device out from his pocket.

"This?" He asked. I nodded. "It's my phone."

"Phone? Like a Telephone?" I asked.

"Yeah, a telephone." He replied. He gave it to me. The device was so thin and sleek. I looked at the back of it to see some text. It said 'iPhone'. I looked to see an apple on the back. Wait a second. That's the Apple logo.

"Is this the same company that makes Macs?" I asked.

"Mhm." He replied as I gave it back to him.

"When does the first one of these telephones come out?" I asked.

"Like twelve years from now I think." He replied.

"Right." I said as we approached the cashier.

"What do you guys want?" The cashier asked.

"I'll have a breakfast wrap please." I replied.

"And you?" The cashier asked, turning to the guy next to me.

"The same." He replied.

We waited for a few moments before 2 breakfast wraps were prepared and given to us on a light blue tray. We took it to the eating area and sat down.

"Did I ever ask your name?" I asked.

"I don't believe so," He replied. "It's Luke. Luke Dawson."

"That's a nice name." I commented, taking a big bite out of my wrap.

"Thank you," He replied, doing the same. "How old are you?"

"Nineteen." I replied.

"Wow, that means you'd be like forty-something where I come from." Luke said.

"I wonder what I'll be up to in thirty years time." I pondered.

"Dunno, I don't think I know any adults called Scott in my time." He replied.

It was kind of disappointing that he didn't know me in the future, but I guess it was plausible. There's nearly 6 billion people on this planet, so it would be pretty much impossible for him to know me in the future.

"I know I keep hammering on about where we are, but have you read anything about any other disney parks?" I asked. I didn't want to bore him, but it was the only conversation starter I could think of.

"I read about Discovery Island," He replied. "Apparently you get banned from all the Disney parks for good if you go there."

"Why? It's a good attraction." I asked.

"In my time it's an urban explorer's paradise." He replied.

"What's an urban explorer?" I asked.

"It's basically someone who goes to abandoned places and films it." He replied.

"Films it with what? Surely they don't go lugging a VCR around just to get a video of abandoned stuff." I said.

"VCRs are obsolete in my time. We use things like phones and digital cameras." He replied.

"Really?" I asked. "So how do you watch movies? Laserdiscs?"

"A what?" He asked.

"You know, Laserdiscs. Circular shiny things that are as big as dinner plates." I replied as he clearly wasn't getting what I was talking about.

"Oh, like a DVD but a lot bigger?" He asked.

"A DVD?" I asked.

"It's like a CD." He replied.

"Oh right." I said.

"Well, I'm done with my wrap. How about you?" He asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Almost." I said, taking my last bite before putting the waste I had in a bin near our table.

"What do we do now?" Luke asked.

"Now we need to get you out of here," I replied. "You've been here long enough."

"Alright." He said, sighing.

We both took our stuff and headed out of the Pavilion and back to the main area.

"Where's your machine?" I asked.

"Behind Wonders of Life." He replied.

"Alright, I'll get you back there." I said, signalling for him to follow me.

I knew this park like it was the back of my hand. I've been here long enough to know every shortcut, every secret, every backstage part, everything. I also worked with Epcot about 7 years ago, so I know pretty much everything about most of the staff.

We came to the Cast Member parking area, which was behind the Wonders Pavilion. We looked around for the machine that Luke used to get here. I could see that he was confused.

"I swear it was here." He muttered, pointing to the floor right in front of us.

"Someone hasn't taken it have they?" I asked.

"If they have, they're not very original." He replied.

"I guess you're staying here for a while longer." I said, pretending to sigh.

I liked Luke a lot. He was a great guy and I didn't want to part with him just yet, so whoever took his machine must've wanted us to stay for a while longer.

"What do we do then?" He asked. "Where do we go, who do we ask about this?"

"It's simple," I replied. "We don't. Live a little, sport. There's lot's to do and not a lot of time to do it."

"You know what," He said. "Let's do it. Let's go around Epcot and 'Live a little'."

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