35. Holes, Glass and a Romantic Movie

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Luke's POV

Me and Legoshi had since started watching a film. We'd started watching '50 shades of Grey' except it was this world's version. Instead of 2 humans falling in love and whatnot, it was 2 wolves. I could sense that Legoshi liked the movie because A: He was a wolf himself and B: Every time the male love interest person came on screen, his tail would start wagging gently.

"You're not swooning for Grey are you?" I asked, looking at his tail. When he realised it was wagging, he grabbed it.

"No, of course not." He blushed.

"Hey, it's okay." I reassured him, putting my paw on his leg and squeezing it, making his tail break free of his grasp and wag even more.


If I'm being completely honest, that movie sucked ass. It was terrible. When I suggested we watch a romantic movie, I really hoped Legoshi had a better idea, because I'm not really a sucker for romance movies at all; It's the real stuff I like. It's all well and good watching people have relationships, but it's nothing compared to actually having one. After the credits ended and the TV switched over to a different movie, I turned it off.

"So," Legoshi said. "What do you want to do now?"

"I don't know," I replied. "You got any good ideas?"

"I thought over the drinking idea," He said. "I thought we could take something out to the balcony and watch the world go by."

I thought about it. It wasn't a terrible plan considering there was literally nothing else we could do until we started buying things for the house.

"Alright." I said, getting up and opening the door to the balcony. 

I stepped outside. It was cold that evening, but thanks to my fur I didn't feel it. I sat on a chair and watched as people and things hustled and bustled down below us. It was interesting watching people live their lives; You didn't really take any notice of anyone else until you had nothing to do yourself. I watched as one person stopped at a petrol station and filled up their car, before going into the store and buying some unknown goods. I watched as someone else scavenged around in a back alley for what I'm assuming was food.

After a moment of watching planes slowly float over the city and watching trains pass over the overpass in the distance near the docks where multiple cruise ships resided, Legoshi appeared beside me holding a bottle of wine and 2 glasses. He poured both me and him a glass before sitting down, taking the glass and sipping it.

"Well," He said, breathing out. "Isn't this nice? Free from school, free from being bossed about all the time, free to do what we want."

I looked at the wine. I'd never actually drank anything alcoholic before (Aside from when my dad would let me drink tiny bits from his glass back when I was at home), so this was quite a new experience for me. I'm assuming Legoshi had never drank before either so this was a new experience for the both of us.

"So, I've been thinking," I said after a short silence. He looked at me. "When I was shot with that dart thing, what happened afterwards?"

"They said they'd be interested to see you back there," He replied. "I don't know why you'd want to do that though."

"Why not? They obviously did it for a reason." I said. Legoshi sighed.

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