11. It looks like a Golf Ball

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Zack's POV

We were all in my apartment. By we, I mean me, Nick, Judy, Finn and Ivan. I didn't exactly invite Finn, but he insisted he came along to make sure everything went smoothly.

"So Luke used your machine to go back in time to places unknown for an unknown reason?" Ivan asked. I nodded. "Sounds strange to me."

"The only possible thing I can think of is that he went back in time to stop us from being late to work this morning." I replied.

"You're still suspended from the force according to Bogo, so he couldn't have." Judy said.

"Then where has he gone?" I asked.

"Don't ask me, he's your boyfriend." Nick replied.

"Finn, when you saw him an hour ago did he mention where he was going?" I asked.

"No, 'e just tired to get rid of me." Finn replied.

"Typical." I muttered.

"Even if we do get the machine off of the ZPD and take it to Madge, we aren't going to know where to go." Ivan commented.

"There must be a way," I said encouragingly. "Madge has tons of tech at her place, there's bound to be something that'll be of use to us."

"I suppose," Judy said. "Why don't we call her?"

I went to my phone and opened it. I looked through my contacts until I found Madge.

"You have her number on your phone?" Nick asked.

"Just in case." I replied, pressing dial. The phone rang for a moment, then it picked up.

"Doctor Madge's office." The intern said.

"I'd like to speak with Madge please." I replied.

"One moment." The intern said. I was put on hold for a few minutes before the phone picked up again.

"Doctor Madge speaking." Madge said.

"Madge, it's Zack." I said.

"Oh Zack! It's good to talk to you again. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good thank you," I replied. "I need to talk to you about something urgent."

"What is it?" She asked.

"Do you have a device that can track people's locations in space and time?" I asked. The line was silent for a moment.

"Let me see," She murmured. I heard rustling of paper and other bits of office equipment. "Ah yes! Here it is."

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's exactly what you asked for," She replied. "It's the space and time locator. It tracks anything's place in space and time, assuming you have its DNA."

"DNA?" I asked.

"You know. Strands of hair, blood, skin cells, urine, anything really." She replied.

"So all we need is DNA and we can track their location?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"Great, come to the ZPD so you can give us the device." I said.

"Alright, nice speaking to you Zack." She said, hanging up.

"So, what's the verdict?" Nick asked.

"She has exactly what we need," I replied. "The only catch is we need some of Luke's DNA."

"No problem," Judy said. "The ZPD keep records of DNA for all their officers, we'll just go there and collect a hair sample that he gave."

"Right, then we can get the machine from there too." I suggested.

We all hopped to it, running out of the apartment building and dashing into our cars. If I had to envision it, it reminded me of the film Rat Race where all the people dash to a train station to get a sum of a lot of money.

We all drove towards the ZPD, me getting more excited about this every second of the way.

After a while we'd reached the front of the ZPD. We all got out of our cars and dashed towards the entrance.

I went inside first and dashed up to Clawhauser, who was busy eating some concoction of a nothing-but-sugar meal of some form.

"Zack, what are you doing here?" He asked as he noticed me. "You aren't supposed to be back for a week."

"I need a DNA sample," I replied. "One of Luke's specifically."

"Oh, umm.." He stuttered. He pressed a button on his telephone as he picked it up. "Yes, Colleen? Zack's here to get one of Luke's DNA samples?"

"Will this take long?" I whispered.

"Not at all, hun." He replied. He turned back to the phone. "You know, Luke Dawson. Who's requesting them? Well, Zack is. Zack Hartdegen, his boyfriend. Yes, that's the one!"

After a moment of talking, he hung the phone up.

"They're bringing one of his hair samples down now." He said after a momentary silence.

"Oh and two more things," I said before I forgot. "Am I still suspended from the force and can I have access to that machine you seized from Madge a while ago?"

"Number one, I think you still are yes," He replied. "And second, I don't exactly see the problem with it just as long as you have permission from Wolfard."

"Why Wolfard?" I asked.

"He manages seized property." He replied.

"Yes, I do have permission from him." I lied. Ben grinned as he took a key out of a box and gave it to me.

After a moment, the DNA sample arrived in a small plastic tube. I took it and signalled for the group to come inside. Since I'd arrived, so had Madge. She had a case in one of her paws with what I was assuming was the device in it.

I took the group down a hallway and into a room which held all the seized property. We went down more hallways until we reached the room with Madge's machine in it. I put the key in the lock, turned it and opened the door.

"Okay Madge, give me the machine." I said, holding out my paw. She opened the case and gave me the small device that was supposed to give us info on where Luke was. I took the tube and placed it in the device. Luke's hair was sucked into it and the device bleeped and blooped for a few moments before it came up.







"Why's he in 1995?" I asked.

"Dunno, he's your boyfriend." Nick replied.

"More importantly, why's he at this 'Bay Lake' place?" Judy asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going there." I replied, moving towards the machine with confidence before typing in the date. I pressed a few buttons and the machine activated.

The wormhole sparked for a few moments before it appeared.

"Good luck," Nick said. "And bring back some souvenirs."

"I will." I replied, stepping up towards the wormhole. I took a deep breath and stepped through it. Space and time warped and snapped around me until I saw something appear in front of me. It looked like a giant golf ball.

Then, the world flashed white, then it faded.

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