36. In a kerfuffle

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Luke's POV

"Y'know," Legoshi said, caressing my fur. "I've always thought foxes are beautiful creatures. They're so slick and.. red."

I blushed, although I wasn't really a fox at heart. I was technically still a human, I just had an altered outward appearance.

"That's funny," I said, bringing myself closer to Legoshi and running my paws through the fur on his face. "I've always liked wolves."

"I guess that makes us a perfect couple then." Legoshi said, kissing me on the cheek.

Soon after, Legoshi started cuddling me. I put an arm around him and wrapped my tail around one of his legs. Legoshi was great to sleep with; His fur was extremely soft and comfortable, he didn't fidget 24/7, he was just perfect. So perfect in fact that I fell asleep quicker than I expected.


I opened my eyes. The ceiling was white.

Not this again I thought.

"Welcome back," Simon beckoned as I sat up and stared right at him. "Miss me?"

"Why can't you be someone else?" I asked. "Why does the embodiment of my darkest thoughts have to be you of all people?"

"I don't know," He shrugged. "It was you brain that decided that."

"Whatever," I scoffed. "Why are you here anyway?"

"You know perfectly well why I'm here." He replied, moving towards me and sitting opposite me.

"To torture me with my own thoughts?" I asked. Simon nodded.

"Precisely." He replied.

"Which ones this time?" I asked.

"You looked in a room your new boyfriend forbidded you to go in," He replied. "When are you going to tell him about that?"

"I won't," I replied. "It's not a big deal anyway."

"Oh you will," Simon purred. "I'll make sure of that."

"Will you now?" I asked. "Because last I checked, you were just a figment of my thought, you couldn't actually control what I said outside of this dream."

"Then who's controlling all those outbursts you're having?" He asked.

"That's my dormant instinct. My EBDCD." I replied.

"Mmm," Simon hummed. "Your thoughts are a big part of that disorder, y'know. All it takes is one spark and you'll be spewing all those secrets right into his ears. I hope you thought that through when you decided it was a good idea to go in that room."

"I'll take it to my grave." I said, starting to get frustrated with him.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen," Simon replied. "I wonder how it'll make the wolfboy feel? He'll be so mad at you; he'll kill you for sure. But that's okay, because him getting mad turns you on doesn't it?"

"What?! No it doesn't!" I persisted.

"You and I both know it does," He hissed. "Remember, I'm a part of you."

"No you aren't!" I snapped. "You're everything but a part of me!"

I ran towards him and tired to punch him, but I failed. My body phased right through him, sending me crashing into the ground.

"Oh dear," Simon cooed. "Looks like you can't do that to me anymore."

"Let me out of this dream!" I roared.

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