13. Leave this place

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Luke's POV

Me and Scott were sat in his base talking about where to go the following morning.

"How about we go to Bristol in England?" Scott suggested. "I've always wanted to go there."

"Consider it done." I assured him.

"Then that's what we'll do," Scott said. "We'll go to.. say 9th October 2005?"

"Why then?" I asked.

"Dunno," He replied. "It was just a spur of the moment thing."

"Alright." I said, taking a place in my sleeping bag.

Scott did the same as we both said goodnight to eachother and fell asleep.


I don't really remember how I got here. I mean, I got to Epcot in a time machine, but I don't know how I got here.

I was on some sort of American street. I think I was in the middle of a Suburb. It wasn't a modern suburb for starters, it was a long time outdated. Cars looked like actual boxes instead of curved sleekly designed automobiles. Everything just felt very off. You know when you go to your granny and grandpas' house and you can just sense that it's an old place, from the rickety and unstable structure of the building to that weird old aroma that emanates through the house. It was like that, but a lot newer and a lot more unknown than your grandparents' house.

I walked casually down the street, looking at all the people living their own lives. One man was mowing the lawn. A lady was walking her very small dog on a lead that looked extremely loose and fragile.

I looked over to one particular house that didn't have anything happening at it. The only thing that proved life existed in that place was the school bus in front of it. I suddenly felt a wave of something vey odd. You know when you've come home from a party or something far too late and you just know your parents are going to be waiting there to give you a good telling off? That's what I felt. I felt some sort of 'In trouble' feeling.

I approached the bus. There were people talking in it. The bus driver looked like he'd had a long day despite it being early in the morning.

"Hello?" I asked, tapping the glass on the door. The driver swung the door open.

"What is it kid?" He asked.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked.

"It's Bob, he's late.. again.." He replied.

"Oh." I grunted, turning and walking off awkwardly.

As I did so, I heard the bus engine rev before it took off down the street. Then, a kid pushed past me. He looked like he was a lot younger than I was. I would say about 10 maybe 12. I saw him take off down the street towards the bus, before turning and running through someone's front lawn and into their house.

This kid's crazy I thought.

I decided to follow him out of pure interest as to what was happening. I took the route that he took and followed him into the house. I opened the door which I saw him dash into and went through the house.

"George!" A lady yelled from the kitchen as I passed by her. "Another one's come through!"

I quickly ran past a clearly angry father as I passed by him and ran out the front of the house. I kept running until I saw a bush. It was slightly disturbed, so I jumped over it. I kept running until I came to a school.

The place was vaguely familiar. I thought for a moment. It wasn't my school, that's for sure. It wasn't a school from a TV show I'd seen, it was far too ugly and pale for that.

I stared at it long and hard. Wait a second...

Was it the same school that I was at in my last dream? It couldn't be. You don't ever get repeat dreams, do you?

I went up to the door. It was locked, but I could see inside that everything was the exact same as it was when I was here last. Then, I heard banging. The kid that barged past me, the one that I was following, was banging on the doors.

"Woah, calm down kid," I said, approaching him cautiously. He turned to me. He looked extremely wild-eyed. It looked like he'd lost his mind or something. "Are you okay?"

"I'm late!" He wailed, turning back to the doors and continuing to hit them.

"Don't bash up the school doors," I said. "Look, I'll take you to the office and get you signed in m'kay?"

"No!" He screamed as I went to take his hand. "Principal Herbert will expel me for sure!"

"No he won't," I replied. "I'll make up some kind of lie for you."

"That won't work!" He yelped, continuing to pound on the door.

I shrugged my shoulders and simply said "Alright." before walking off. The kid was clearly too far gone to understand that I was trying to help him. As I made my way towards the front of the school, I reconsidered my options a few times. I mean I couldn't just leave the kid there, but then again every time I tried to get through to the guy he lost his marbles. He looked vaguely familiar to me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on who it was.

I thought about it on my way back towards the street where this dream started. It wasn't Zack for definite. I'd known Zack's handsome face far too long to know that that was most definitely not him. It wasn't my brother Alex, he was a lot taller than that kid. He also had darker hair and green eyes. Something this kid didn't have. And no, as much as I wanted it to be, it wasn't me. I was far more mature than that at 10 or 12, and my blonde hair didn't really come through until maybe 15 or 16. I thought it might've been Scott for a second, but I didn't really see any resemblance in his personality versus this kid.

As I made my way back to the Suburb, I suddenly thought something.

Wait, is this definitely a dream?

That's when it flashed away. Everything seemed to cut to black like a candle being snuffed out in a dark room. Then, light began to reappear. It was daytime, and I was back at Epcot.

I then realised something else that shocked me. I was hugging Scott.

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