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March 5
12:30 pm

"You sure you comfortable baby girl? You need another blanket? I'll make them get you another one!" My daddy said for the thousandth time while fixing my blanket for the MILLIONTH time.

"Daddy I'm fine. I promise. You about to make these people ban you from the hospital" I laughed softly but was serious at the same time

He was just as worse as my momma and brothers.

"I'm just making sure you straight before I leave up here"

"You need to go ahead. Giving these nurses a hard time" my momma said to him and he made a face at her

"Ima give you a hard time, keep running yo mouth"

"I already got enough of a hard time from you. She laying right here" she pointed at me, making me frown

"Dang momma"

"Don't pay yo momma no attention babygirl. She just mad cause I didn't bring her no food" he told me as Dre walked into the room, dapping him up "I feel better leaving somebody with some common sense in here with my baby"

"Teddy go to hell" my momma jokingly pushed him as she followed him out of the room and Dre shook his head

"They might as well get back together at this point"

"Eww. Jesus no" I laid my head back against the pillow

The room grew quiet for a quick second.

I can't lie like I wasn't in pain, but the pain I was feeling physically... it can't even come close to the way I feel emotionally. A feeling I never wanted to EVER experience. But I was tired of crying. I spent the entire day yesterday crying from the second I heard the news and now I can't cry anymore, literally.

I could feel Dre just staring at me without me even having to look at him

"How you feeling?" He eventually asked

"How YOU feeling?"

"I asked you first"

"Well I returned the question"

"Well I ain worried about me"

"Well I'm tired of talking about me" I responded and we looked at each other

I could tell my brother was really hurting bad but he wasn't gonna say it and he was gonna try his best not to show it, but I know... I know my brother like the back of my hand. Plus this is the first time Dre had to deal with the loss of someone super close to him that he genuinely cared about so I know he's lowkey taking it hard cause he never had to deal with this.

"Where my sister at?" I asked him, switching the subject

"At home with badass cause he not feeling good"

"Whats wrong with my nephew?"

"When I came back home last night he was up crying and throwing up"

I frowned "My poor badass nephew....Hold on, where you been last night?"

"I had to clear my head" He replied and somebody knocked on the door before opening it. It was the nurse coming to pick up the food tray.

As she came in I could hear talking in the hall from what sounded like two other nurses

"It was two different shootings and three people total last night" I could hear one of them say

"Im surprised it took somebody this long to get that Maggie girl. She been messy all her life. I remember her from High School" I could hear another one say making me raise my eyebrow

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