Chapter 1

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Emily's POV

3 weeks ago...

"Get out Deklan! I don't ever want to see your fucking face again!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My rage increased just at the image of my cheating boyfriend's face on my doorstep. Me and Deklan had been together for three years. Three fucking years! And all I got for our third year anniversary was the sight of my him cheating on me with some other blonde bimbo. On our anniversary! The situation is almost cliché.

Yet here he stood, outside my door, asking for forgiveness for the nth time in a week.

"Babe please forgive me. Give me one more chance, I promise I'll make it up to you. I love you, please." He pleaded.

"You lost your chance Deklan, now get out before I call the cops and get a restraining order against you." I said, slamming the door shut right on his face. I heard him knock and plead through the other side of the door, but I wasn't giving in any time soon. If there is one thing I really hate in life, it's cheaters and liars.

Present day...

The phone started ringing waking me up from my thoughts. Instatnly, I shut the television, walking to the other side of the room where my cellphone was located. I picked it up, and put it against my ear.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hello, I'm calling for Emily Dufon."

"This is she."

"I am calling from Miller Industries. We would just like to inform you that you got the job at the IT department. You may start tomorrow at six. You can collect the keys to your office from the secretary on the third floor." She replied, leaving me completley stunned. Miller industries - a multinational corporation recognised by the entire world - is accepting me.

"Oh my god. Thank you so much!" I shouted against the phone and hung up. As soon as I did, I performed my little victory dance. I had a good feeling about my attempt at a new start and it sure as hell was working. I called my family and the few friends I had in Chicago and broke the news to them and as expected, they were all happy for me. I was finally going to have a new start.


Bee-dee-dee-deep! Bee-dee-dee-deep!

I groaned in frustration and punched my alarm clock beside me. Worst part about having a job at Miller Industries: getting up at five am and starting the job at six am. Pushing my sheets aside, I climbed out of bed making my way to the ensuite. I stripped off and placed myself under the steaming hot water, trickling down my back. Showers always helped me forget all my troubles.

After getting dressed in my skinny blue jeans, white shirt, yellow blazer and brown peep toe wedges, I picked my brown handbag from the kitched counter and headed out to my car. It was only a fifteen minute drive and I had half an hour before I had to arrive so I decided to grab a coffee on the way to keep me awake during work.

Making my way inside the grand building, I could feel the heavy gazes of men in black suits and women in pencil skirts on me. Perks about working in the IT department: my clothes didn't have to be so formal. I headed straight to the elevator, towards the third floor as they had instructed me on the phone last night. The atmosphere was tense, but all I could think of right now was my job. I had always been a techno girl and I was really good at my job; hell I hacked into the CIA database at the age of fifteen. However for some reason, I was nervous. As I made my way to the secretary I immediatley noticed her bitchy features. She obviousley had blonde hair and blue eyes, and her cleavage was showing through her very low neck white blouse with the first two buttons undone.

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