Chapter 32

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Emily's POV

We were parked outside the same building we had come to just a few days ago, this time with a proper plan to save my brother.

My heart was sprinting at the thuoght of seeing my brother again. It had been long, too long. The guilt and pain had gotten worse since I had found out that he was alive. Knowing that my ex-boyfriend - who I had spent the last three years believing and trusting - was the reason behind my brother's pain was what was eating me from the inside. I had allowed this to happen, it was on me.

Twin. A person who shares the same stomach as you for nine months, whose born at the same time as you. Someone you grow up with, a sibling who protects you, cares for you, loves you. That's what he was. He was my brother, my twin brother. And I had allowed my cowardice from saving one of the people I cared about most in my life. What's worse is that I allowed myself to fall into the devil's trap. I had helped the person who had taken my other half away from me. And that's why I hated myself the most. I had permited all of this to happen in the first place. I started this war. I made all the events in my present take place.

I shook myself from my thoughts, stepping out of the vehicle. Logan got out with me, and not a minute later a car similar to Logan's pulled up behind us. From it, came out Austin, Jack, Adam and Larissa.

"Do you have everything?" Logan questioned the guys as they approached.

"Yep. The building is clear, there is only one guard by the door, the rest is empty." Adam commented.

We advanced towards the building, sneaking in through one of the broken doors.

"Austin, Jack, take guard just incase someone decides to pay a visit." They nodded, getting into position. The rest of us carried on, descending through various stair cases, until we reached a heavy black metal door. A man was pacing around it, but before he even had time to blink, he was gone. Dead. The sound of a gunshot filled the air as he collapsed on the floor. Lifeless. I looked back horrified at Logan, who held the gun that was aimed at the now dead guard. He didn't give it much attention as he skimmed past the corpse and arived the door. Adam followed as me and Larissa held back, stunned by the action. I had spaced out as Adam and Logan conversed, connecting the door to various devices and clicking many things.

My heart thumped in my ears as the sound of beeps filled the air. A loud beep finally sounded, and a green light appeared on the device that Adam held in his hands. Logan span the large wheel on the door, and the sound of clicking soon followed before he peeled the door open.

A lifeless body was tossed in the center of the cell. Torn clothes barely covering his scarred and brutally beaten body. Something inside me clicked as I ran towards the body. My brother's body. I collapsed on the floor, collecting my brother in my arms. His eyes slowly opened, his green eyes had lost all hope of shine. They were dead.

"E-emily?" he whispered, his voice breaking. Tears had sprung out of my eyes as I looked at him, sobs escaping me and I nodded.

"You're safe now. I promise, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" I repeated over and over again as I hugged him tighter to me. Larissa was on the opposite side on the floor, her eyes also tear stained.

"L-larissa?" he croaked as he looked at her. She nodded, her hands covering her mouth to silence her sobs as she also nodded copying my actions and embracing him in a hug, I soon joined in, getting a hug from both my siblings. "H-how d-did y-you f-find m-me?" he stuttered.

"It's a long story. Let's take you home" we commented as Logan and Adam stepped into the cell, helping my brother out.

"W-who are t-they?" he questioned as they approached, slightly backing away.

"They're here to help Jo, they are nice people" He looked at me one more time before he let Logan and Adam help him out the building.

We quickly sat him in the car and drove him to my house.

The guys helped him up to the apartment, letting him lie on my bed. As they all walked out, I pulled on Logan's arm, stopping him for a quick second.

"What's wrong?"

"Thank you" There was a minute of silence as he looked at me, before he quickly nodded, and dissappeared out my house.

I resumed to my room quickly, finding Larissa cleaning up Joseph's wounds. I sat on the other side of him, grasping his hand in mine.

"Em, h-how d-did y-you find m-me?" Larissa's hand stopped and we both looked at each other before she looked back down and resumed doing her job. I looked at Joseph, trying my best to improvise.

"Well, we found these people who were willing to hel-"

"The t-truth Em. I k-know w-when you're l-lying" I took a deep breath, before telling my brother everything. Since the day Deklan had entered my life to my kidnapping to the very moment we were in.

He listened silently, not uttering a word as I completed my story. His eyes were droopy and I could tell he was sleepy. But there was only one thing he managed to utter before he fell asleep, this time in a place where he could dream peacefully.

"I'm sorry"


Sorry for the short and slightly boring chapter but it will get better! There isn't much till the end of the book!! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think!

Picture of Joseph to the side--->





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