Chapter 4

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Emily's POV

Running. Keep running.

The thought was glued to my head as I sped down the corridors of the grand layer my psychotic, criminal boss had kept me locked in for two days.

For two days, I remained in that hellhound of a room. I got food three times a day, and I had an ensuite bathroom with no windows whatsoever. The room was rather large and had no windows either. For two days nobody talked to me. Austin entered to hand me my food and then he would just leave without acknowledging me. This place is worse than jail and a mental hospital combined.

My lovley chance at escaping arrived exactly 26 minutes ago. I had called Austin in with the excuse that the toilet flush wasn't working, and as soon as he entered my bathroom, I fled the room in a flash. I have been running for 26 minutes yet there seems to be no escape to this rabbit whole.

My legs finally gave away as I approached yet another black door at the end of the passage. I stopped, panting for air as I bent down, placing my hands on my thighs. Surely my kidnappers would be here soon though I didn't mind. There was no way I could escape this place without having a map with marked exits. Sure enough, not a minute later, I spotted Adam running down the corridor.

"Didn't get very far did you?" he mocked as he advanced towards me.

"What the hell is this god for saking place anyways?" I snapped, ignoring his smirk.

"I like to call it, Satan's Black Whole." He responded, motioning it with his hands. "Alright, time to return Duffy" he addded, pointing towards the illuminated return pathway.

"Don't call me that. It doesn't even make any sense." I stated as I started making my way back inside the Devil's Cage.

"Yes it does. Dufon-Duffy. See what I did there?" I looked at him in utter shock. How old is this guy?

"What are you, five?"

"Oh close. I'm four" he told me.

"Idiot" I said under my breath as he guided me back down memory lane.

As we stepped back into my cage, I noticed Austin standing by the corner of my bed casually with a pair of fresh clothes.

"Oh good, you're back. Go take a shower" His comment took me by suprise, making my expression turn weird.

"Aren't you pissed I ran away from you?" Instantly they started laughing. "What the hell, are you guys mental or something?"

"Oh Ems, not even god could escape this prison. It's simple, no one gets in and no one gets out unless we want you to. We have had this layer for eight years, and never have we ever been spotted." Replied Austin as he placed my clothes in my arms and walked away, leaving me alone in the room again.

I'm going to need a big plan if I was going to escape this damn place. A really big plan.

"Oh god save me" I murmured, making my way to the bathroom before settling for a very long bath that I very desperatley needed.

When I came out of my lovley hour of a bath I was suprised to see my door unlocked and opened. As I stepped outside I heard noises coming from down the hallway. Following it, I arrived what looked like a small coffee room. Austin, Jack and Adam were inside laughing at a joke. My presence was quite soon notified as Jack's eyes landed on mine.

"Ah Emily, there you are. We were just waiting for you, come on in" he signalled with his hands. I hesitantly stepped inside and took the empty seat between Jack and Austin on the round, wooden table.

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