Chapter 29

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Emily's POV

Two hours. That's how long Deklan and his minions had been gone, giving me full liberty and access to all his computer files. I already had enough information to expose him for all the crimes he has done, and all it took was twenty minutes for me to gather all that data; but the whereabouts of my brother were yet to be discovered. I had been on the darned computer for two hours, searching and hacking, my fingers never leaving the keyboard and my eyes glued to the screen ahead of me. Files flew through the monitor and my level of hope decreased by the minute.

I had spent my day with Deklan, getting absolutely bored of my lovy dovy act. Eventually I just let Austin take over, allowing me time to carry out my actual mission. I had made sure all the security cameras around his house were manipulated with footage I had inserted for the amount of time he would be out. Half the files were encrypted or secured tightly, but it was pretty easy to hack after all my years of experience. I sighed and put my head in my hands, releasing a frustrating yell. My head snapped up at the sound of a door opening, and as I refocused on the security cameras, I saw Deklan step out of his car, walking towards the house. I rapidly shut down all the work I was doing and replaced myself on his living room couch, pretending to be asleep. Not long later, his heavy footsteps were heard through the room, and stopped right beside me. I heard him bend down, his breath arriving my face, informing me of his closeness as his touch was felt on my head as he stroked my hair softly, whispering to himself.

"So innocent" he chuckled a little and walked away. My rage was increasing and I wanted nothing more than to let him know that I knew everything about his little games, but I controlled the urge to do such things. I elevated from the couch, walking to where he stood in his room, casually sipping wine by his balcony.

"Hey" I muttered, walking to his side.

"Hey gorgeous, how did you sleep?" he replied, his tone utterly changed as he pulled me to his side. I nodded, not wanting to answer his question, and wanting to get out of the god for saking place as soon as I could.

"I should get going. I have dinner with my sister" I faked, walking right out of his embrace. He nodded and guided me to the front door, kissing me before releasing me. I sat inside my car and drove off in full speed, desperately needing some space. This is harder than I thought.

Upon arriving my apartment, I wasn't surprised when I walked in yet again with Logan on my couch. But what I was surprised to see was that he was utterly and completely drunk. He had a glass of scotch in his hand, his eyes were bloodshot and his clothes were falling off of him.

"Logan, what happened?" I left my bag on the floor and dropped beside him on the couch taking the glass from his hands.

"Give that back!" he yelled, attempting to get it back, but his weakness didn't allow him to get very far.

"Logan, what's going on?" he laughed. Just laughed.

"You want to know what's wrong? Everything is wrong princess, everything. You think everybody is capable of having a normal life like yours, but the thing is, we can't. You look down at me like I'm another villain who should be banished from this earth. But I'm not princess. I didn't have a life like yours princess. I didn't. I had a really bad life, a really bad one." His drunk state suddenly stopped as he buried his head in his hands. And the next thing I heard was something I thought I would never hear ever in my life. Ever.

Logan Miller was crying. His sobs were small, but audible.

"Logan, what happened?" I questioned, placing my hands on his back. I hated Logan Miller, that much was true. But somewhere deep within me, I had grown dangerously fond of him, and I couldn't bare the scene in front of me.

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