Chapter 18

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Emily's POV

After hours and hours of fighting with the big headed criminal, Logan and I finally came to an agreement. I would be staying with Logan, but in my own house. The thought was disturbing yet...exciting. I was afraid of losing my heart to the wrong person, but I promised myself to distance myself from him once Draco was taken care of.

Currently, we were sitting on the couch in utter silence as I flipped through channels. The sudden ringing of his phone brought us both out of our thoughts. He looked at his phone curiously before answering the call and elevating himself from his seat, walking out of the living room. Curiosity got the better of me and I crept up behind him, stopping at the edge of the room to hear the conversation from both sides.

"Leave her out of this Draco, this fight is between me and you, not her. I killed your son, she didn't."

"But that's the thing Logan, you killed something that meant the world to me, you took my son away from me. And now I'm going to take her away from you" I heard Draco say on the other line. My heart stopped. I knew that Logan had kidnapped Ashton, but I had no idea he killed him. He killed him. He killed a human being. The words sank into me and I collapsed internally. What was I expecting? My heart was going in the wrong direction, and my mind hated it. Yet I had no idea why it was going in the wrong direction in the first place. But then again, he was the one saving my life. I averted my thoughts and continued listening to the conversation.

"I swear to god Draco, if you touch her I will tear you inside out until you beg for mercy" Logan threatened, making my heart skip a beat as he stood up for me.

"Not if I kill you first" And then the line went dead. I watched as Logan squeezed the phone tightly in his hand. His fists clenched and he was about to throw the phone across the hallway when I stepped in.

"He's going to try to get me either way you know? So you might as well just give up" I leaned against the wall as he turned around, relaxing slightly.

"No, nothing will happen. I'm going to call the boys and increase security around the house" He picked up his phone about to call someone when I ran up to him and snatched the phone away from his grip.

"Stop. If you increase security it will take ages to get rid of Draco. Why don't you let him take me and then you can track him down and..." I couldn't finish the end of that sentence, I didn't want him to die. Despite everything he put me through.

"I will kill him Emily, weather you like it or not. And I will not use you as bait, forget it." He said through gritted teeth.

"Why?" At the release of my words he froze, not knowing what to say.

Fate saved him as that very moment the door to my apartment opened and in walked my darling sister, accompanied by my darling best friend. They walked in giggling and talking about my darling boyfriend who was standing in the very room.

"And his muscles oh god. My sister scored good" I coughed, catching their attention. As soon as their eyes landed on me and Logan they paled. "Sister, and Logan! What a pleasant surpise!" Larissa exclaimed.

"Larissa, what are you doing here?" I questioned, hoping to get rid of her.

"Did you forget?"

"Forget what?"

"Today is Joseph's death anniversary" I froze. Tears started welling up in my eyes instantly, but suddenly a hand wrapped around my waist. I knew by the strength of the arm it was Logan, and I wanted nothing more than to wrap myself around him, but the memory of my brother had me petrified. I watched as Larissa and Jordan approached me and engulfed me in a hug. I let the tears drop from my eyes but quickly wiped them away before anyone could see them.

I had been there as they shot him. I had been there as they dragged his body into the van and drove off into the distance. But I was a coward. I stood hiding behind the corner of the alleyway instead of helping my brother. I was helpless. I was pathetic.

"Are you okay?" Jordan asked me as she parted from the hug. I couldn't speak so I nodded instead. I could feel Logan's hand on my shoulder the whole time as he stood silently behind me.

Every year, on his death anniversary, me and Larissa would have a sister's night, where we would simply be there for each other and remember the memories we shared with Joseph.

Shortly Jordana bid us goodbye and left my house, leaving my sister and Logan with me.

Larissa gave me the look as she pointed at Logan behind me with her eyes. I nodded and grabbed Logan's hand, dragging him to my room.

"You need to leave" I stated.

"What? Why?"

"Every year on Joseph's death anniversary, me and Larissa have a sister's night"

"You expect me to just leave you here whilst Draco is out for you. No way." I threw my hands up in the air, absolutely tired of his behaviour.

"Logan, it's one night. You can come back in the morning. I'll be fine. Now go" I said, pushing him through the passage towards my door. Right at the door, he stopped looking at me.

"I'll be here first thing in the morning" He warned me. I nodded, going with it.

He left, leaving me and my sister alone.


Lots of movies and glasses of wine later, I found myself dozing off next to a heavily snoring Larissa.

I was at the point of getting into deep sleep when I heard the door squeak. My eyes widened immediately and I jumped up from the couch. Watching the front door rattle, I woke my sister up with a blast and pulled her into my bedroom before she could protest.

I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Listen to me very carefully" I started, I could feel tears well up in my eyes, but I pushed them away forcefully. "I am about to be taken. You are not going to panic. I will explain everything to you later. Hide in my bathroom, and as soon as you hear the front door close, call Logan and tell him to track my burner phone. Do you understand?" I could see her eyes widened but she nodded anyway, I took my hand away from her mouth and she ran into the bathroom.

I heard the front door open completely. Footsteps came closer to my bedroom as I allowed the tears to fall down my eyes.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness and I could see Draco's full form stand in front of me as he smirked.

"What happened baby doll? Your boyfriend not there to save you now?" He said before lifting the stick he had in his hand.

A loud bang echoed my house and everything went black.

My life depended on Logan now.


And she's taken again!! What do you think is going to happen now? Chapter thoughts? Expecting any plot twists? Comment below and tell me what you think!

Picture of Emily to the side--->





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