Chapter 19

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Logan's POV

I slammed the door of my penthouse shut. I couldn't take it, being away from her. I could see the pain in her eyes as she revisited the memories of her lost brother. I knew she was hurting, and I wanted to comfort her, so much. And if there was any way at all to bring him back - even if that cost my life - I would have done so. Anything was better than watching the pain linger in her eyes. An idea occured to me and I picked up my phone, dialling Adam's number.

"Hello" Adam spoke casually

"I need you to find Joseph Dufon's killer" I demanded.

"Joseph Dufon? As in Emily's dead brother?"

"Yes. Emily's dead brother, Adam"

"Okay, then" he respond awkwardly. I could tell he was curious about my decision, but he knew better than to ask me. I threw my phone on the sofa and plopped down on it myself.

The image of Emily's earlier reaction was glued to my head, and I wanted nothing more than to go and comfort her. But I knew she needed her space.

It reminded me of my dark past. Another reason to keep her away from me. My past wasn't something easy to deal with. And if she knew about it, I know she wouldn't look at me the same way. She would be disgusted. I am disgusted. I knew the pain of loss, and I knew it hurt like a bitch. But I was heartless, so I could only imagine how Emily must have been hurting.

Slowly, time started fading away and I hadn't recieved any calls from her. I wanted to call her, but I didn't. I couldn't. I wasn't capable of picking up the phone and dialling her number. I was so wrong for her, in every way possbile. I was the devil, and she the angel. We were an impossible match. Then why did I feel so... addicted to her. Like she was my drug. I constantly needed her by my side. Why did I have to be so fucked up?

My eyes were shutting slowly, and I started drifting off, but the sound of my phone jerked me awake, and I picked it up without hesitation.

"Hello, Emily?"

"Logan! I need your help!" The voice on the other hand was Larissa. "Emily.... they.... they took her" She broke down. My heart stopped. Fury started burning inside me, and I was thirsty for blood. "She... we were sleeping... and she just pulled me in her bedroom and told me to... to call you and.... to tell you to... track her burner phone. Logan please tell me what's going on? Please tell me my sister is going to be ok? Please. I can't go through this again. Please" She begged, sobbing loudly.

"I will get her back." I said, ending the call. My grip on the phone was extremely tight and I was a minute away from breaking it. I wouldn't let him touch her. I would kill him, this time for good. He did the wrong thing touching her, and he was going to die a long and painful death. I rang Adam, he picked up on the second ring.

"Hello" he said, sleepily.

"Draco has her. Track her burner phone, right now! I want an address in five minutes" I demanded, hanging up. I couldn't listen to anything right now. I couldn't process anything. I was a predator going for his prey. And I was going to succeed in my mission.

Hold on Emily.

Emily's POV


My face flew towards the right from the impact of the blow. A sting hurting me bad. This had been going on for the past thirty minutes. Blow after blow, my face twisted in every direction possible. The metallic taste of blood was fresh on my mouth, and I sat tied to a chair, helpless and pathetic.

"That all you got?" I asked Draco. As much as I hated getting hit, I couldn't give up, I had to show some signs of strength. I could see Draco through the peeks of my eyes, angry and ready to hit. And that's exactly what he did.


I spat the blood out, turning back towards him, finding the courage in me to bear more. I could see his eyes go black with anger and fury. But I tried not to care.

"You bitch. You have some nerve. Maybe I should rape you after all. Maybe that's how you will learn your lesson" My breath hitched. I could deal with being hit, even dying, but raped was the last thing I wanted to happen.

"Logan will end you" I blurted, unaware of what I was saying before it was too late. He looked at me with curiosity.

"So I see you two have developed a thing for each other ha? Just like a movie, a small innocent girl, and a strong criminal. Very romantic. Too bad he won't be here to save you from what's coming next baby doll" He suddenly moved his hand towards the waistband of his pants, and started removing his belt. My eyes widened and fear really struck me hard. "You think you're so smart" He said, rolling his belt around his hands "You're nothing but a stupid bitch"


I cringed, feeling more blood coming out of my arms through my torn t-shirt. This hurt way more. His laugh echoed the room and he lifted his belt once again before striking.


"What's the matter baby doll? Feeling pain?" he teased, I tried to stay away, but I could feel myself slowly slipping into unconciousness.


He was about to whip again when a huge boom scattered through the building. I lifted my eyes forcefully, focusing on the door ahead of me. And then, it burst open, making the door fly to the other side of the room.

And there he stood, his tall and muscular frame shaking in anger, ready to strike. Logan was here to save me, just like he always did. I smiled, starting to pass out with only one thought:

He was my hero.


He's going to save her!! Or is he?? Chapter thoughts?? Future prediction?? Comment below and tell me what you think!

Picture of Logan to the side--->





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